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OspreyZone Live Stream

OspreyZone Playlist
An Intro to OspreyZone
The Story of DDT
Osprey Rescue
2020 Clips
Bald Eagles Visit Nest
Ospreyzone Highlights: May 21-29, 2020
OspreyZone Highlights: May 15-20, 2020 - The Intruder
OspreyZone Highlights: May 7th-14th, 2020
OspreyZone Highlights: April 15-21, 2020
OspreyZone Yankee
March 18, 2016 Timelapse
The Summer of 2015 by GinaM
Osprey Rescue Extended - July 30, 2015
Osprey Zone Highlights - June 28, 2015
Osprey Zone Highlights - June 19, 2015
osprey 07/11/15 squirt
First Sighting
George and Gracie's First Baby
Eggs Over Easy
Changing of the Guard
Breakfast is Served
Feeding Time
First Love
Let's Hang Out
Hard to Get
Little Brother
Dinner is Served
OspreyZone Montage

OspreyZone Highlights: George Returns
Tip: If the nest is empty, use the red scroll bar to rewind the stream up to 12 hours
Please be advised that nature can be brutal – viewer discretion is advised.
Best viewed with Google Chrome. copyright © 2016 – 2020 Tax Reduction Services. All rights reserved.
Special Thanks to Tommy and Christina: George & Gracie’s Landlords
Belle’s Journey
Written by Dr. Rob Bierregaard & Illustrated by Kate Garchinsky
Take flight with Belle, an osprey born on Martha’s Vineyard as she learns to fly and migrates for the first time to Brazil and back–a journey of more than 8,000 miles.
IMPORTANT: Messages from osprey experts
I haven’t seen the little guy yet this morning, but I would be very surprised if he survived the night. That sure was tough to watch yesterday, but that whole process is as much a part of the essence of being an Osprey as is eating a fish. It’s part of the life of Ospreys that was rarely seen before we started putting cameras in nests. As hard as it is, we should not label the behavior as mean or cruel. Being mean or cruel implies that there is intent to do harm just for harm’s sake. Those young were responding to a set of stimuli (very little food being delivered to the nest and the presence of a very small young) in a way that evolution has hard-wired into them. It helps ensure their survival. Nature is not cruel. It is harsh, unforgiving, and often random (had the little guy been born 1st, he would have been just as aggressive as was his sibling), but not cruel or mean.
Paul Henry ospreyzone July 1, 2015 at 8:17 am
Thanks Rob for bringing your knowledge and experience to help us all gain perspective here. We are all saddened by the events that unfolded before our eyes and it’s only natural for all of us to feel and express our emotions appropriately. There have been many issues pertaining to intervention which have been discussed amongst us all. There is no doubt in my mind that the right decision was made, to let nature take it’s course. By the way, that doesn’t equate to heartless, on the contrary, nobody feels worse about this then the apparent decision makers. I say apparent, because when all was said and done, and all the issues were properly weighed, there really weren’t any other options. It was clearly pointed out, by experts, that intervening at this stage could have spooked the whole nest to the point of losing all the young. If the little one was saved, and nursed back to health, what kind of a life would it have had, perhaps caged up in a zoo. I remember when I was younger I saw a golden eagle in captivity, caged behind a wire mesh. I could practically see it’s tears. As far as placing the little one in another nest, such a low probability of success would never have justified the possibility of spooking the nest. There’s a piece of me, however heavy hearted, that believes that perhaps it is better to be born free and die free. We mourn for the little one as we marvel at the wonders of nature.
Hello Paul,
Thanks for your query, and you have my admiration for persevering. We know very well how tough your job is, including dealing with an anxious public.
Our policy with our Bird Cams project is essentially “just say no” to pleas for interference. The behavior you are witnessing – while seemingly cruel and heartless to us – is natural for many kinds of birds, especially those that feed on variable, unpredictable food supplies. The little nestling does have a chance to survive, but if it does not then that result was “meant to be” by the nature of Osprey breeding strategy. The wonderful things about these nest cameras also sometimes yield the difficult things for us to watch. As you might know, we actually post a “siblicide alert” on some of our cams where we suspect the possibility exists.
I’m copying your note to Charles Eldermire, project leader for our Bird Cams. He may have some additional comments, and he would be the one to ask if we might be able to use your stored files for biological analysis.
Best wishes, and good luck,
John W. Fitzpatrick
Director, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
It’s also important to acknowledge that intervening can also cause problems of its own—depending on the ages of the birds in the nest, disturbing them can trigger an early fledge. We have restricted the scenarios in which we would even consider intervening to injuries or dangers that are explicitly human-derived. For example, 3 or 4 years ago we were alerted by viewers that one of the osprey chicks at the Hellgate Osprey nest was entangled in monofilament line. We consulted with our partners there (wildlife biologists, raptor researchers, raptor rehabbers) to determine if the monofilament was an issue, and if intervening was both likely to solve the issue AND not have bad effects on the other nestlings. In the end, a quick trip to the nest was scheduled via a bucket truck, the monofilament was removed, and the nestlings all eventually fledged. In that case, all of the permits were already in hand to be studying the ospreys, and we had already discussed how to approach issues in the nest.
Good luck to the young one—hope it all turns out well.
Charles Eldermire
Bird Cams Project Leader
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
I’ve been to your site—great cam! And I noticed the runt in the nest. This is just normal Osprey reproduction. It happens all the time and you should not intervene. It’s tough to watch, but it’s how nature works. Ospreys almost always lay 3 eggs and on average fledge between 1 and 1.5 young each year. They stagger the hatch so there is a spread of ages in the young. That way, if food is short, the first-hatched (and therefore largest) will get enough food to survive while the smaller nest mates do not. If all three young were the same size and there was only enough food for 1 young, none of the young would get enough food and they would all die. If there’s lots of food, the smallest will eventually get fed and can survive. These nest cams can show some gut-wrenching scenes. The most infamous perhaps was one of the very first Osprey cams (on Long Island somewhere), where the smallest young died. One of the adults carried it out of the nest and after several minutes flew back into the nest and fed it to the other young. Waste-not-want-not at its goriest. At Hog Island up in Maine just last week a Bald Eagle came in and took the young out of the nest. Last year at another nest, cameras documented a Great-horned Owl taking young Ospreys out of a nest in NJ or MD. All of these things have been going on for millions of years and Ospreys are doing fine.
Rob Bierregaard
Academy of Natural Sciences
Drexel University
“Mercy me! What now? A chandelier!
“George! I barely have room for these fabulous feathers! Do you have any idea how long it took to grow these???”
George aims for a few bare square inches……….
Love Jane’s face!
One benefit of George’s wood obsession this year is the house below has privacy!
The nest is looking like an episode of Hoarders, yikes !
OK. That clump on right is all grasses, leaves and debris. Jane is dismantling and spreading it out.(@8:11am) When I saw it yesterday, in the light situation, it appeared to be more one piece.
Then I lost my wi-fi. Back on finally. Withdrawal was painful!
Squirmy looks very sluggish this morning. He wasn’t following his parents as he usually does. I hope he is ok? He didn’t have breakfast either, although fish was brought in.
Squirmy was sluggish because he was well fed by George about 6:30…….
And again later about 10:15 and 10:55ish…………… Not being neglected
George flew in at 04:58 hrs …
and, Jane flew off …
After waiting, as if not sure what he should do, George sat on the eggs and chick …
until Jane came back …
I love the effect that sometimes happens in the low-light shots! Very artistic….
Hee hee … I just really like that picture above!!
So … until Jane came back …
“You check out what’s happening over there, and I’ll check out what’s happening over here.”
Which way did he go George?
🎜I see a shadow,
I see a shadow,
Of George on Jane,
Of George on Jane.🎝
Tune: “Frere Jacques” 😀 😀
🎜I see a shadow,
I see a shadow,
Of Jane on George,
Of Jane on George.🎝
😀 😀
So my video stream jumps from 18:00 to 18:59…. I guess I get no explanation where the bush came from! Poor Jane has no room for those lllooonnnggggg tail feathers!
Still have to refresh posts and see what happened today.
CarolV the same thing happened to me. At first I thought I had somehow missed it and then went back several times to make sure I wasn’t losing it! I’m pretty sure it was Jane though because she was out of the nest at the time and besides George likes to put sticks in front of the camera
George builds; Jane “beautifies” Works for me! I still think she’s fortifying for that precocious child!
George — popbrella …
and hubbrella!!
Are either parent feeding that poor baby.. It has its mouth open begging and they are stuffing their own mouth…. SMH
Debbie Fulton: Yes, Debbie, George and/or Jane feed the chick. As you can see in the picture its crop (circled) is bulging, indicating s/he has just eaten a good meal.
Thank you Betsy, when i was watching both parents were eating and baby was just a begging for food. But dad was busy feeding mom…. So glad they fed the baby…
Debbie Fulton: I’m glad I was able to lessen your worry!! The chick may not always get fed immediately when George brings a fish, but it does eventually get fed … and usually a lot!!
George made a fresh market delivery around 4:00. Yummy
Is it strange that the other chicks haven’t hatched yet?
Due to the late arrival of the eggs, it’s possible they’ll be non viable. Last year Gracie laid three eggs and only two hatched.
Squirmy is going to have quite the advantage over his siblings, considering he hatched 7/1.
That has me very nervous, in my humble opinion sometimes it’s best if not all the eggs result in a successful hatch. Little Pip back in 2015 was a victim of being last born and that was brutal to watch.
I’m fine with an only child at this point. Jane is still learning.
George brought a fish for mid-morning snack …
Almost immediately after, the nest was buzzed by an intruder going around and around. Then things quieted down …
Hi All,
I was just watching the last feeding and I really don’t remember seeing another chick this young moving around as much as this one. This is one strong little Osprey!
Paula: He does get around!! I remember Rocky being 3 days old, moving around Brutus and Ali, climbing up the slope of the nest cup to stand in front of Gracie to say, “See me!! Feed me!!” 🙂
I’ve been thinking a lot about Rocky this year too.He was my favorite, such a fighter! Hope he/she is well and has first nest this year!
Paula… I agree! That’s what I said earlier. He really gets around with those little “chicken wings “ lol!
At the site of the Jersey City Falcon cam there are nest notes. Under June 28 there is a 15 minute video about NJ. At about 7:15 on the video there is a short video segment on ospreys and falcons and banding them in Jersey. It is called episode 201. It is worth a quick look if interested.
nfc: Thank you for the information!! I’ll have to check it out!!
NFC… just watched video. Very moving. The first time I saw an osprey catch a fish was at the Jersey Shore. I was walking along the water, saw a bird. Thought at first a seagull. Realized it was an osprey. Stood,watched and waited while it circled over the water. Finally dove in and came up with a fish! He flew right over me. Saw him turn fish head first. I spun around so fast to continue watching,almost fell in the sand! Amazingly, even though beach was packed. I seemed to be only one watching! PS…couldn’t believe the nest on the beach in the video!
Isabella— glad you enjoyed it. I just found it when I checked in on the falcons there. Your story sounds amazing too. Thanks for sharing. I wonder if any people were wondering what you were doing looking around at the sky??? They don’t know what they are missing!!!!!!
NFC….I thought if anyone caught me on video, it would go viral!! Middle aged woman looks to sky, almost falls! I was dreading the possibility!!
Too funny ! Technology age has led to every public event being documented, willingly or not.
10:21am— looked at cam and all you can see are two eggs and a tiny tail off to the right. Boy can baby move toward the food. I hope the baby is getting fed over there. The little one moved over pretty quickly. Good moves.
That green seaweed clump reminds me of Medusa’s snake hair….too creepy !
Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th….?..I have always counted day after egg laid as day 1….July 1st was the 39th day egg hatched…wondering if anyone counts the day its laid as day 1?
June c: I count the same way you do … the next day after the egg is laid I count as day 1!!
2nd fish ………….Again Jane left…….. have we had a spat?
George topped off Squirmy…………
Jane comes back and is fed by George… all is well in Ospreyland….
Again we had the musical fish. Jane takes, flies out, comes back and gives fish to George to take it back and eat it, What’s going on???
I think Jane sees Squirmy’s potential and is building walls…..
Well, gotta get ready for work
And I guess eat crow because of my “hatching egg” mistake………
Leaving you with the happy couple and baby in hiding..
CarolV…have a groovy cool day! Eggs remind me of the cup game. Which egg has a chick about to hatch! Lol
CarolV…I’m keeping an eye on egg closet to bay. Don’t know if that’s a crack or grass. Flies are buzzing around. Either getting a hatch,or they are duds and really smell!
Baby O really gets around with those “chicken wings “ lol
The heat & humidity make me a crabby lady, I can’t imagine how Jane feels sweltering in that nest ! Her little escapes are much needed I imagine.
Trinity…me too! Let’s form a crabby lady group 🤬
Trinity and Isabella: 🙋 I’m in!!
It’s gonna be a BBBIIG group………. I work with the public,,,,, need I say more?
Comforting to know I’m not alone ! Due to my hatred of the evil UV rays, I live like a vampire until October. SPF 50+ for my rare outdoor appearances 😀 Watching this cam is the closest I get to outdoor activity !!
No 2nd fish!!
George brought in a fish….
……….and Jane left………
.leaving George to feed Squirmy………. which he did nicely
Jane acting a little gaga……. she came back, took the fish, flew out and back and left the fish for George……
He ate some and Jane took it back and polished it off
And looks like I made “much ado about nothing” . Mea culpa. Things look the same in the eggie department.
Jane spent the night worrying about her happy wanderer, because she was up first thing thinking baby rails…………… George has stopped in already…………
Looks like the moon had a time to shine before the clouds took over….
So you learn something new….don’t think I knew adult osprey have crops. Does make sense for storing food. But I thought they could swallow all fish parts,and you don’t see a bulge like a chicks. Over at Hellgate,an adult osprey landed on the nest. Iris was out fishing. You could see she had no crop. Chest was caved in. Think she was hoping Iris would bring her a fish. There are pics that someone tweeted . Was sad to see!
Like I said…we are lucky so far! The Oz’s are a pleasure to watch. They dote on baby O. I swear if that kid isn’t sleeping, his mouth is open WIDE!
Scrolled back to what I believe was the evening meal. Realized I was watching a silent movie!
Fireworks… mostly at a distance.
George dropped down from perch…….
George delivered a fish when I was all excited and I got sidetracked…………
Jane did a thorough job feeding Squirmy
George and Jane seem quite upset about the fireworks. Hope everyone listened to Admin Shelli and are safe with their celebrating!
Moment when Jane stood up and you could see the eggshell fall apart!
George taking a good look!……..
So eggcited I can’t take a straight picture!
Also have this picture from earlier of Jane staring at that egg. I didn’t think anything of it at the time. Looks like it may be partly open here.
But since Jane sat on the eggies and S till dark, guess I get to see how wrong I am in the dawnin’… I’m fine either way……
That sure looks like a chick in there
Yayyyy 😀
Hey! Am I seeing things? I was more interested in the fish!
This is what I saw — in slo-mo…
Jane starts to stand and egg is mostly intact.The shell comes apart
On Squirmy’s first attempt to climb Everest, she rolls over backwards…
And in her efforts to get back up, she changes eggs position………
Several people on fb suggest egg was broken earlier ………..
have to wait till morning when Jane takes the lid off the pot
This is definitely the most confusing hatch ever! Lol
One for the books for sure lol
Is this 2nd hatching egg the same one that had the part of Squirmy’s egg shell on it? Thanks
Hi All,
There was talk earlier today about half of squirmy’s egg getting caught on another egg and at 20:30 I saw that it did happen. You can see the old half come off. Hopefully it will stay off and hopefully it isn’t too late.
Both were alarming and George went to perch, I think………. Jane is not impressed by this visitor……..
In the pink of the evening, the bay looks like glass….. that sailboat is so peaceful …….
81 now; starting to drop quickly in the next hour, down to a still warm 71 by sunrise…… partly cloudy.
Another warm day tomorrow, mid 80s, partly cloudy morning changing to sunny afternoon. And the everloving humidity…………
Squirmy, literally, falls into a food coma.. She toppled over with the last big bite and made a token effort to get up
Jane ate a lot and George took off with the rest….
George came in with the leftovers……..
Jane didn’t seem interested, so he snacked on them…
Down the Hatch!
Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! Fish is in!
Jane starts ripping in to the whole fish, clearly starving……..
Squirmy repositions herself and Jane stops to stare……. and starts offering her some!
Really nice pictures, lighting is perfect that time of day. Jane is doing her best with Private Squirmy !
Best wishes! And make friends and family promise not to video you while you’re under the influence! So embarrassing (but funny!!!)
Good luck with your surgery and Good Luck staying away from O.Z.
Thank u Paula 💕
Shelli…hope all goes well & you have a speedy recovery!
Thanks Isabella, me too! Lol 🙏🏻
Admin Shelli: My father used to say, “Tooth-hurty, time to go to the dentist!” Hope your surgery goes smoothly and you have a speedy recovery!! And, have plenty of ice packs on hand!! After big oral surgery years ago I looked like Droopy Dog!!
Thanks Betsy…I’m scared to death lol 😱
Good luck Shelli – wishing you a speedy recovery!
Thanks Robin!
Wishing you the best..and speedy recovery……
I have been watching the nest pretty much all day, between a couple of naps!, and haven’t noticed a feeding since this morning. Did I miss one mid day? I’ve scrolled back when I was away for a bit but never saw one. I know the boat traffic on the water is heavy today, and wondered if that prevents George from fishing. Anything I’ve missed please let me know.
I didn’t see any either but, remembering from past years, busy water traffic days seem to inhibit George. Maybe infringe on his fishing holes………
Ah at last I can relax and the little one FINALLY gets his teeny, tiny crop filled!! He was taking on some rather large pieces too… thinkin it could be a while nummm nummm! It is so much easier to sleep on a full belly! GN LI Family!! 😀
George came in and Jane chatted……………. then the little trooper started making her way towards Dad
Whether intentional or coincidence, Jane stuck a stick in front of Squirmy! Portable babygate!
Second how George looks down “yes junior?”
Jane is so poufy and George looks like GQ bird!! 😀
Jane I feel your pain! Oh the humility! I mean humidity! Lol
Squirmy turning her cuteness on all concerned parties………
What are these giants! They don’t even look like me!
George has been on the nest most of the afternoon…. saw this one fly out……….
He spent his time on the right, where an occasional glimpse showed he was there…….
Ospreycize in the afternoon………
Lots of traffic on the bay
I want to reach over and pluck that feather off her beak!
Lol I have said this a few times throughout my nest journeys
It’s distracting! And I know I’d be going nuts if it were Me! {:*))
Maybe it’s her personal fan!
Don’t look now, Janie, but you are going to be in for another little surprise very soon. Pipsy will be joining Squirmy.
Oh, George— Jane tried to resist……………..
But Wait!……. There’s more…………..
***** SIGH!*******
Was that George’s slingshot? Plus+++
George just LOVES to put sticks right in front of the camera!! 😀 😀
Was just going to say…that slingshot was for intruders..not Jane!
Is this the hole that may be a pip? Or is this the egg that might have been cracked when hit by a stick? Sorry…. get them confused………. or is that not a hole?
I can’t tell either lol
CarolV and Admin Shelli: I’m not so sure one of those eggs will hatch. When Jane was eating the fish in the evening of 7/1, the half egg shell that George had moved out of the egg cup got knocked back into the egg cup and it worked its way onto one of the remaining eggs. It looked to me as if it worked its way on to the broad end of the egg. Would be real tough, if not impossible, for a chick to break out of a double layer of shell.
Yes, I noticed that too….that would make things more difficult for sure, but not impossible as the eggs do get rolled around quite a bit.
surly this isn’t the first time this has happened – hopefully that’s a non viable egg.
Admin Shelli: I remember reading on another site a couple of years ago about a similar situation. After the osprey had migrated, researchers examined the nests. In one of them they found an intact egg … they examined it and inside was a perfectly formed chick but the shell had a double-layer and they theorized the chick couldn’t hatch because of that.
cont’d –
” …The unhatched egg was found to have a double shell and to contain a well-formed dead chick with an egg tooth (Plates 12-14). The chick seems to have died
some time before it was ready to hatch, possibly because its vital gas exchange was inhibited by the double eggshell. Tony Lightley, who checks all the TVOP Osprey nests annually, says he finds one unhatched egg a year on average, but this was the first one with a double shell. … ”
add’l links:
Oh wow…thanks for finding this – let’s hope that one is a Dudley and the other one will hatch 🙏🏻
I really wish I had sound back! I missed first hatch; would love to be able to just listen in case there is some skawking when I’m away from the computer.
Anyone else have sound?
you know I meant squawking, right?
I don’t have sound either and I’m on my iPad.
I have sound…
Well……. answered my own question……. started watching on phone and heard them loud and clear! Now I guess I have to figure out why computer is silent. Have I mentioned my computer hates me?
Okay had me looking up skawking! Lol
Ugh! It’s toooooo hooooot!
Interesting move on the way to a stand……….
Swithches places with George, who steps in as brella…..
Brellas are allowed to nap on duty…………..
How pretty Jane is here. Poor thing looks so hot, though!! And, there’s George off to the side!!
George is staying close… maybe a little TOOOO close……
Squirmy nipped at Jane’s beak when she came close…….
Squirmy going to join the family discussion…………..
When J&G looked around and saw baby in the sun, they turned (synchronized again) and headed towards her………..
Jane made sure she was shaded!
Don’t you shake your tail feathers at me!
First pic CarolV!
♥️ Please celebrate the 4th with compassion for wildlife ♥️
Admin Shelli: Thank you for posting that.
Admin Shelli: My mother adds that too bad the right people aren’t reading that.
I have plastered it everywhere lol
Admin Shelli: Oh, good!!
Need to plaster it ON the fireworks!
Don’t think we’d get that passed……..
Italy outlawed any fireworks with noise….they use only silent fireworks now!
I sure wish the USA would do that!
Admin Shelli: After I posted my 2:16 pm comment, I got to thinking that it’s too bad fireworks couldn’t be silent … hmm, I see from your comment it turns out they can!! It should be mandatory worldwide!!
Hi All,
I’m beginning to think that the lighter of the 2 eggs must not be viable because Jane sure doesn’t seem to want to lay on it. Whenever an egg is left out it’s that one. If there is going to be another chick I sure hope it’s soon, like today, so that “Squirmy” isn’t to big to keep it from feeding. Of course they do have George The Wonder Osprey for a father so that will make a difference!
Jane is really antsy. ….up, down…. this was her on 7/1…. are we getting someone new or is it just the heat!
Sorry, should have said that’s how she acted,,,, re-read and thought it may sound like the pics are from the 1st
Had breakfast, now a little yoga to start the day off right!
Nice leg stretch… is that for the gluts?
Just realized that was Jane! Of course, she’s doing butt exercises! She sticks it in front of the camera so often she wants it to look toned!
CarolV: And, that’s funny!! 😀
Leesa Downs: That’s funny!!
George in charge………….. becomes a whole patio cover..
Jane went for a dip…………… cooling for the threesome, too. … Squirmy and the maybes
83 before noon and HUMID!
Squirmy grabbed the prime real estate
CarolV: Thank you!! I 💖 the last 💖 !! 😀 😀
OK… does that mean something I don’t know? Took it for really excellent…… shining star
CarolV: Means “I love this very much!”.
OK! Good to know! And I did!
Oh Betsy,
That’s precious!
GinaM: Thank you Gina!
Baby O is the cutest!
Sometimes, even weebles wobble wrong……
looks yummy….……….
Help! I’m faaalllllingggg!
But I got up!
Loved the way G&J seemingly show concern!
Morning all… have you had enough of the humidity (stupidity)!
Isabella: What a pretty picture!! Dying of the humidity!!
Betsy thx! That’s Iris from Hellgate. Don’t mess with an overworked hot mama!
Betsy, at 8:27:18 the egg closest to the chick, has the dark end on it, rolls by itself. I don’t know how to do a video, but someone who does needs to capture it!!!!
Leesa Downs: Here you go!! Good eye!! Couldn’t tell if it rolled on its own or because chick #1 was making vibrations when it was getting fed by Jane …
I had the same thought… there are a couple of small sticks or grass that run back from Squirmy to the egg….
We shall see…
George feeding Jane
Too funny, Oslet wobbled backwards and was too stuffed to get up, rested a bit before righted itself!
6:43am. George brings in a whole fish. delivered on right. Jane and George both flew off.
Just me……… I don’t even have a shadow……..
George was back in minutes; Jane right after, with still whole fish.
Jane starts on the fish ………… and Squirmy wiggles her way.
George takes the fish back and flies……….
George is back…………
George feeds Squirmy as Jane watches……….. and Squirmy is well fed. note coma
I think George and Jane had a little chat …… look at his eyeball; serious!
Jane took the fish; flew around to left.
Squirmy rallied and Jane fed him………… still needs practice but progress…….
While Jane was out, George had a reaction. fly-by? Mainly posted for the wings……..
No Holiday for George!
6a.m. and some nice moist seaweed is delivered
George brought a fish at 6:42 am that Jane grabbed from him …
After eating a little, she fly-hopped across the nest with the fish …
And, then, flew away with it …
Meanwhile, George remained in the no-see corner; then he hopped up to the perch (camera shook). That little chick is so smart!! It pays attention and watches everything that’s going on around it!! S/he knew George was up on the perch and was looking up at George!!
George eventually hopped down from the perch and then stood at the far right corner of the nest …
A few minutes later Jane hopped down from the perch, fish in tow …
She was so ravenous, that she ate and ate ..
George made his way over to the fish to take it from Jane …
losing his balance on the way but catching himself …
after getting the fish, George flew away with it …
and Jane sat on the chick and eggs …
A few minutes later George was back with the fish …
An HOUR later … George was back with the fish!! 😀 😀
Was gonna let that go but you caught it….. few minutes, hour…….. it’s a holiday, who counts?
CarolV: Exactly!! 😀
George fed …
and fed the chick …
and Jane gave it a whirl, too …
and, little chick, sated and with bulging crop, went into a “food coma.”
Here chick is after s/he lost her/his balance and fell over … so much for weebles wobbling and not falling down!! 😀 😀
Just saw your weebles post after I posted mine! Guess she had to be a weeble!
CarolV: Funny!
Chick does a squirt … obviously getting enough, not only by having a bulging crop, but what goes in must come out!! 😀 😀
Welcome back from the land of the blue screen……
………………………………… HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!………………………… @@***%#!!!$@@@+()&..(fireworks)
It’ a calm, misty morning. Already 79 by 9am. and muggy.
Little bsfore 9 am, George beak fed Gracie then the baby again… he is such a good dad and husband 🙂 Jane is s lucky osprey 🙂
Sorryy!! Jane, not Gracie….
Meli: So many times AFTER I hit “post comment” I think, “OMG, did I just write Gracie??!!” 😀 😀 😀
Lol 🙂
Most exciting feeding around 8:10 am… Jane brought a fish to the nest, George took of with it and returned with the now headless fish. George fed baby Squirmy, Jane wanted to be part of it too. She grabbed the fish and stared feeding Squirmy, but then Squirmy fell backwards and rolled belly up in the nest cup. All went quiet…. G and J just stopped moving, and stared at Squirmy. Finally Squirmy managed to get right side up after George tickled his belly with some grass, Squirmy pooped on George as a Thank you daddy, and Squirmy went into a food coma…. the parents are doing so good. this was so exciting to watch… who needs TV anymore…
I saw Jane step on little one and it looked as though it may have injured it at the time but unsure about damage done and I feel not enuf food for it so far as of Tues nite
You should be relieved with how well fed Squirmy is now…… and she seems fine….
5:09 AM. Baby opens his mouth sooo wide, that when he closes it, he fell over. Cute little thing. Attaching a pic to see if this post ‘takes’–tried yesterday with a short ‘hi’ but didn’t see my post appear. Testing….
JanL… have learned the hard way, and with prompting from Betsy…………. make sure you check little box for Save my name… On my computer, I can’t see a box but it’d midway under the name box and I just poke around till I find it.
This saves your comments to show as pending. Otherwise, they do post but you can’t see them till ADMIN okays them.
Is there no camera now when it gets dark?
This cam doesn’t have IR. Chick hatched July 1
Isabella: OMG, Isabella … 3:45 in the MORNING??!! 😀 😀 😀
Cher: No, there is no infrared camera. We can see something, though, when there is a full moon!! 😀
And when we don’t go blue screen
CarolV: 😀 😀 … and when we don’t go blue screen!! 😀 😀
Yeah, a chick has hatched!!!
Cher: Yes, on 07/01/2018 (after 39 days incubation)
Thanks Betsy for the info on birth date! I haven’t been watching for awhile – what happened to Gracie?
Forgive me for goofy picture – not completely sure how to post stuff yet.
Synchronized posing!! 😀
For some reason it reminds me of Esther Williams, famous synchronized swimmer…My mom loved her….
Especially that last one! Just need to put out one wing!
Gotta get Squirmy on board….. She’s got skyward facing beak down pat!
Isabella, June c, and CarolV: 😀 😀 😀
So you’re going with girl, too? I’m tired of the he/she bit . Besides, takes too long to type!
All lined up in a row …. 1 chick and 2 eggs LOL 🙂
Timer starting skipping ahead a few seconds at a time
Then, night night video
Good night, Jane, Squirmy, eggies……………..moon’s not out yet.
77 now; dropping to about 71 by sunrise. 40-60% chance of showers from 3 to 8am……. overcast tomorrow, temps to mid 80s.
The humidity is a killer…….air is so heavy!
This egg got pushed out. Is it too exposed (if even viable)?
Which egg got pushed out? The one we think has a pip or the other one?
I have seen eggs get rolled out from under the adult but they always seem to be able to rangle it back in, so it shouldn’t be an issue.
George stops in; Jane took a quick break. As she settles back, we can see the grass clump hanging around Squirmy’s neck is gone.
Hi All,
This is off topic but, I recently watched Jaws and was wondering if there had ever been a shark warning/ attack in this bay?
Hi. not an expert but have lived on the East End most of my life. Have no memory of an attack inside the bay. Most shark action occurs in the Atlantic Ocean to the south and east or LI Sound to the north
Also, this section of the bay sometimes shows a continuation of the Peconic River flow, so I guess considered part of the estuary system…………
See where East Marion- home of OZ nest- shows continuation of river
Thanks CarolV,
Stupid I know, I was just curious!
Always happy to help if I can…..