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An Intro to OspreyZone

The Story of DDT

Osprey Rescue

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Bald Eagles Visit Nest

Ospreyzone Highlights: May 21-29, 2020

OspreyZone Highlights: May 15-20, 2020 - The Intruder

OspreyZone Highlights: May 7th-14th, 2020

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OspreyZone Yankee

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The Summer of 2015 by GinaM

Osprey Rescue Extended - July 30, 2015

Osprey Zone Highlights - June 28, 2015

Osprey Zone Highlights - June 19, 2015

osprey 07/11/15 squirt

First Sighting

George and Gracie's First Baby

Eggs Over Easy

Changing of the Guard

Breakfast is Served


Feeding Time

First Love

Let's Hang Out

Hard to Get

Little Brother


Dinner is Served

OspreyZone Montage

OspreyZone Highlights: George Returns

Tip:  If the nest is empty, use the red scroll bar to rewind the stream up to 12 hours

Please be advised that nature can be brutal – viewer discretion is advised.
Best viewed with Google Chrome. copyright © 2016 – 2020 Tax Reduction Services. All rights reserved.

Special Thanks to Tommy and Christina: George & Gracie’s Landlords

ospreyzone store

Belle’s Journey

Written by Dr. Rob Bierregaard & Illustrated by Kate Garchinsky

Take flight with Belle, an osprey born on Martha’s Vineyard as she learns to fly and migrates for the first time to Brazil and back–a journey of more than 8,000 miles.

Click HERE for more information!

IMPORTANT: Messages from osprey experts

Rob Bierregaard July 1, 2015 at 7:24 am
I haven’t seen the little guy yet this morning, but I would be very surprised if he survived the night. That sure was tough to watch yesterday, but that whole process is as much a part of the essence of being an Osprey as is eating a fish. It’s part of the life of Ospreys that was rarely seen before we started putting cameras in nests. As hard as it is, we should not label the behavior as mean or cruel. Being mean or cruel implies that there is intent to do harm just for harm’s sake. Those young were responding to a set of stimuli (very little food being delivered to the nest and the presence of a very small young) in a way that evolution has hard-wired into them. It helps ensure their survival. Nature is not cruel. It is harsh, unforgiving, and often random (had the little guy been born 1st, he would have been just as aggressive as was his sibling), but not cruel or mean.

4818eecc88292926c58414a82c884c71Paul Henry ospreyzone July 1, 2015 at 8:17 am
Thanks Rob for bringing your knowledge and experience to help us all gain perspective here. We are all saddened by the events that unfolded before our eyes and it’s only natural for all of us to feel and express our emotions appropriately. There have been many issues pertaining to intervention which have been discussed amongst us all. There is no doubt in my mind that the right decision was made, to let nature take it’s course. By the way, that doesn’t equate to heartless, on the contrary, nobody feels worse about this then the apparent decision makers. I say apparent, because when all was said and done, and all the issues were properly weighed, there really weren’t any other options. It was clearly pointed out, by experts, that intervening at this stage could have spooked the whole nest to the point of losing all the young. If the little one was saved, and nursed back to health, what kind of a life would it have had, perhaps caged up in a zoo. I remember when I was younger I saw a golden eagle in captivity, caged behind a wire mesh. I could practically see it’s tears. As far as placing the little one in another nest, such a low probability of success would never have justified the possibility of spooking the nest. There’s a piece of me, however heavy hearted, that believes that perhaps it is better to be born free and die free. We mourn for the little one as we marvel at the wonders of nature.

Reprinted with the permission of John W. Fitzpatrick, Executive Director of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

Hello Paul,

Thanks for your query, and you have my admiration for persevering. We know very well how tough your job is, including dealing with an anxious public.

Our policy with our Bird Cams project is essentially “just say no” to pleas for interference. The behavior you are witnessing – while seemingly cruel and heartless to us – is natural for many kinds of birds, especially those that feed on variable, unpredictable food supplies. The little nestling does have a chance to survive, but if it does not then that result was “meant to be” by the nature of Osprey breeding strategy. The wonderful things about these nest cameras also sometimes yield the difficult things for us to watch. As you might know, we actually post a “siblicide alert” on some of our cams where we suspect the possibility exists.

I’m copying your note to Charles Eldermire, project leader for our Bird Cams. He may have some additional comments, and he would be the one to ask if we might be able to use your stored files for biological analysis.

Best wishes, and good luck,

John W. Fitzpatrick

Director, Cornell Lab of Ornithology

In addition, Charles Eldermire, Bird Cams Project Leader, Cornell Lab of Ornithology Writes:

It’s also important to acknowledge that intervening can also cause problems of its own—depending on the ages of the birds in the nest, disturbing them can trigger an early fledge. We have restricted the scenarios in which we would even consider intervening to injuries or dangers that are explicitly human-derived. For example, 3 or 4 years ago we were alerted by viewers that one of the osprey chicks at the Hellgate Osprey nest was entangled in monofilament line. We consulted with our partners there (wildlife biologists, raptor researchers, raptor rehabbers) to determine if the monofilament was an issue, and if intervening was both likely to solve the issue AND not have bad effects on the other nestlings. In the end, a quick trip to the nest was scheduled via a bucket truck, the monofilament was removed, and the nestlings all eventually fledged. In that case, all of the permits were already in hand to be studying the ospreys, and we had already discussed how to approach issues in the nest.

Good luck to the young one—hope it all turns out well.


Charles Eldermire
Bird Cams Project Leader
Cornell Lab of Ornithology


I’ve been to your site—great cam! And I noticed the runt in the nest. This is just normal Osprey reproduction. It happens all the time and you should not intervene. It’s tough to watch, but it’s how nature works. Ospreys almost always lay 3 eggs and on average fledge between 1 and 1.5 young each year. They stagger the hatch so there is a spread of ages in the young. That way, if food is short, the first-hatched (and therefore largest) will get enough food to survive while the smaller nest mates do not. If all three young were the same size and there was only enough food for 1 young, none of the young would get enough food and they would all die. If there’s lots of food, the smallest will eventually get fed and can survive. These nest cams can show some gut-wrenching scenes. The most infamous perhaps was one of the very first Osprey cams (on Long Island somewhere), where the smallest young died. One of the adults carried it out of the nest and after several minutes flew back into the nest and fed it to the other young. Waste-not-want-not at its goriest. At Hog Island up in Maine just last week a Bald Eagle came in and took the young out of the nest. Last year at another nest, cameras documented a Great-horned Owl taking young Ospreys out of a nest in NJ or MD. All of these things have been going on for millions of years and Ospreys are doing fine.

Rob Bierregaard
Academy of Natural Sciences
Drexel University

“Interesting. They don’t often take over osprey poles—probably too small for them. They will coopt tree nests, which they can expand. We had a pair of eagles do this on the Vineyard. They built up the Osprey nest a lot and then the Ospreys came home and drove the eagles away, in a David v. Goliath story. The Ospreys successfully bred. They looked tiny in the nest, which sadly blew down this winter.”

    Leave A Comment


    1. Leanne July 23, 2015 at 11:39 am - Reply

      A few minutes ago, Gracie came in with what looked like a small, headless fish.

      • Leanne July 23, 2015 at 11:46 am - Reply

        I love how chick 2 just kind of sneaks between Gracie’s legs to get her meal. Shade and sustenance. Smart bird!!

        • Eleanore July 23, 2015 at 1:59 pm - Reply

          I noticed that, too, and laughed! He will survive and beat the big bully!.

    2. Rose Petejan July 23, 2015 at 11:06 am - Reply

      I think I may have been mistaken, it actually might have been George that delivered that fish. But, Gracie didn’t rush to the nest. Any thoughts from anyone else?

      • maryjo July 23, 2015 at 1:28 pm - Reply

        Rose, I thought the same thing. George brought in the fish but Gracie wasn’t on the nest, so he started feeding the chicks and eating himself. He then seemed to alert to something and flew off leaving the fish on the nest. Chicklets cutely tried at bites of fish! Then Gracie flew in, grabbed the fish and continued to feed chicklets. 🙂

    3. Jan July 23, 2015 at 11:04 am - Reply

      Hi! Has anyone seen a feeding yet this morning?

    4. cheryl July 23, 2015 at 10:15 am - Reply

      Just tuned into the G&G show. Just a question, could the decrease in fish be part of the fledging process? Getting the babies ready to look on their own?

      • Karen July 23, 2015 at 12:37 pm - Reply

        No, it’s much too soon. They would only do that after the chicks fledge and need some encouragement to fish on their own.

      • suzanne July 23, 2015 at 2:03 pm - Reply

        I was thinking along the same lines. Also, Gracie being gone more might be part of process. She needs to stay in shape!

    5. Leanne July 23, 2015 at 9:50 am - Reply

      I scrolled back and saw George bring in a fish this morning. Gracie was no where to be found and he looked a bit shocked. He stayed for a few minutes then left the nest, leaving the chicks to try to eat on their own. Gracie did show up and fed them their breakfast. Have a good day, everyone 🙂

    6. sallyanne July 23, 2015 at 9:12 am - Reply

      Looks like a breakfast buffet this AM July23 just before 9AM eastern. At first George was feeding (and eating a lot himself; he needs it for strength, too) the two chicks. Then it appeared to me that he left a chunk behind before he flew off. Almost immediately, Gracie appeared with a fish, and chicks are eating again. This is GREAT! Maybe the 2 adults will continue to share obtaining the fish.

    7. Rose Petejan July 23, 2015 at 8:44 am - Reply

      8:40 Looks like Gracie brought in a good sized fish. The female and chick at the Woods hole nest hadn’t had a fish in 3 days. Gracie is the superstar here not George.
      No site of George at all this morning?

      • ray July 23, 2015 at 12:32 pm - Reply

        Woods Holes update from the site…
        uly 22, 2015

        After consulting with experts on the situation, the bird has been removed from the nest and is being cared for at a wildlife rehabilitation facility.

        With that, we are closing the camera for the season. We appreciate your care and interest in the Osprey Cam.

    8. Cindy July 23, 2015 at 8:43 am - Reply

      Gracie brought in breakfast. You go Gracie. 🙂

    9. Karin July 23, 2015 at 7:34 am - Reply

      7:32 AM The chicks are getting so big! They will be flying soon. One of the chicks looked like he was trying for take off a few minutes ago. Not yet, but soon!

      • Tucker July 23, 2015 at 11:53 am - Reply

        Picture perfect day, Gracie catches brunch around 11:30. The yutes were meticulously preening themselves they look spiffy.

    10. Lucie Pecor July 23, 2015 at 7:16 am - Reply

      they are so dang Sweet

    11. maryjo July 23, 2015 at 6:52 am - Reply

      Has anyone viewed the 2014 highlights? The female does not appear to be the female who is on the nest this year. An osprey would not “lose” necklace feathers. Distinguishing features help us to identify the birds from one year to the next.

      • Leanne July 23, 2015 at 9:34 am - Reply

        I noticed it too. Gracie has a black dot under her right wind and neither of the osprey in those highlights had it.

      • Karen July 23, 2015 at 10:20 am - Reply

        Yes, I noticed the same thing and tried to spot other distinctive markings like the one under her right wing which I didn’t see either.
        Not sure how to tell if George is the same or not.

        • maryjo July 23, 2015 at 1:32 pm - Reply

          I agree with you and Leanne about the black spot under her right wing. I feel that the male was George, but I’ll have to look closer. He seemed to have the same appearance and disposition. Thanks.

      • Bonnie July 23, 2015 at 2:48 pm - Reply

        FINALLY, others are seeing THANK YOU! Beautiful Gracie with the full crown passed in the beginning when George would not fish to feed the babies. Gracie would catch the fish but tore her legs up pretty bad. She was also sick from the 2 or 3 nights in the rain covering her babies and it was just too much for her. She is with little bit loving her smallest baby. The other Gracies have been doing one heck of a job caring for #1 and #2. God bless them all ~

        • Bonnie July 23, 2015 at 3:03 pm - Reply

          George is George. He has a light brown wisp of feathers on the left side of his neck also left side of face looks kinda mean ;^(

          • Leanne July 23, 2015 at 6:16 pm - Reply

            I agree. George looks the same. I noticed Gracie’s spot before the eggs hatched. It was the only way I could tell them apart. lol

        • Karen July 23, 2015 at 5:10 pm - Reply

          I don’t believe anyone here is saying that the current Gracie is not the same female who laid the eggs. The current Gracie is the only female who has been on this nest this season. You can look at the highlight videos from before the eggs hatched and see it’s the same bird – no necklace but has the dark spot under her right wing.
          There is no way a female could die and just simply be replaced by another one. The nest would fail and all the chicks would die.
          It is, however, very possible that the female with George at the end of last season was a different osprey and she did not make it back from her migration.

          • maryjo July 23, 2015 at 8:22 pm - Reply

            Absolutely Karen. I’m wondering if last year’s female returned and if there was a possible confrontation claiming the nest.

          • Leanne July 24, 2015 at 9:46 am - Reply

            Agree. Its been the same Gracie since before the eggs hatched. Same black spot 🙂

    12. Carol July 23, 2015 at 6:22 am - Reply

      The kids were up and posing for the camera early…shortly after 5am. Lots of wingercize going on.

    13. Rose Petejan July 22, 2015 at 10:33 pm - Reply

      The mother osprey attacked the remaining chick today at the Woods Hole Nest. It was decided this afternoon that they would rescue the chick. It’s my understanding that the male osprey is not bringing in enough fish if any at all. They are hoping that the female will begin to fish for her own survival.

      With George not providing enough for his family, my only wish is that we won’t watch any harm come to these remaining 2 chicks. Gracie is doing her best. She is giving most of the fish delivered to the 2 young chicks and calling George for more for herself.

      It is a possibility that George has another nest and of course one nest will suffer.

      If there should be a crisis on this nest I hope we will react and rescue them.

      • MItchell July 23, 2015 at 10:04 am - Reply

        Why did she attack the chick? because of the food shortage?

        • Karen July 23, 2015 at 12:34 pm - Reply

          The experts don’t know why. The lack of food is definitely a big part of it but they also have wondered if she is too young and still retains some of the sibling aggressiveness. From what I’ve read, she was much worse last year and always attacked her 3 chicks. They all managed to fledge but the youngest was found dead, probably from starvation, soon afterwards. She seemed to be doing better this year and didn’t start attacking them until recently when she had no food.

    14. Laura July 22, 2015 at 9:31 pm - Reply

      Last update from the Wood hole site:
      July 22, 2015
      After consulting with experts on the sitation, we are removing the bird from the nest and have arranged for care with a wildlife rehabilitation facility.

      With that, we are closing the camera for the season. We appreciate your care and interest in the Osprey Cam.

      • Judy W July 23, 2015 at 10:47 am - Reply

        Thank you for the update.

    15. Leanne July 22, 2015 at 9:27 pm - Reply

      Quick question….Does anyone know how well Osprey see at night? Thanks in advance for the info 🙂

      • JB July 23, 2015 at 9:30 am - Reply

        With Owls being the exception, most birds have very poor night vision. Their eyes just are not big enough to capture a lot of light and all the components of various wavelengths that make it up.

        For more, read:

        • Leanne July 23, 2015 at 6:17 pm - Reply

          Thank you so much, JB 🙂

    16. Marlene July 22, 2015 at 9:14 pm - Reply

      I’m so glad that George caught dinner for them. I looked back and believe it was around 8:15 p.m. EST. It’s so cute when the chicks lie down on their sides, and also when they flap their wings. They really are so pretty and growing quickly!

    17. Carol July 22, 2015 at 9:07 pm - Reply

      Got home late tonight so could only scroll back to about 4:30pmEDT. About 4:45pm it looked like George brought in 2 tiny fish. Gracie was feeding one to a chick while the other chick grabbed one and tried eating on his own. Chick G was feeding looked like it gulped down what there was of its fish. G went to the other chick and took his fish cause he wasn’t getting anywhere and started feeding him.
      About 6:15 Geo showed up with another small fish. I think he found a can of sardines! Both chicks got some but there wasn’t much.
      Fortunately, about 8 Geo brought in 1/2 a medium fish. The appetizers just didn’t cut it! Looked like both chicks got a share. Less pushy chick was right in there getting a share. But I don’t think Gracie got much…she is announcing it to the world….
      The chicks feathers are really filling in and they are getting actual tails! Looking very impressive!

    18. Jo-Ann July 22, 2015 at 9:04 pm - Reply

      I just got home and read comments. Seems food was not plentiful today. Was fish brought to the nest after early afternoon? The babies are quiet right now and I don’t see Gracie. I thought most of the plastic blew away last night but I see more of it tonight. It was scary last night when it blew over George thankfully he didn’t get tangled in it. Hopefully this piece gets loose and blows away also. Please someone let me know that fish was delivered for dinner. Thank you.

    19. kgerette July 22, 2015 at 8:59 pm - Reply

      Beatrice and others….Woods Hole chick was rescued today and is going to a rehab center. Hopefully it does well. At least it will get to eat. That’s all I know.

    20. Rose Petejan July 22, 2015 at 8:53 pm - Reply

      Is it possible that George has a second nest. Does anyone live in the area that could verify this. It would be interesting to find out. He really isn’t bringing enough fish.

    21. Joan Earney July 22, 2015 at 8:50 pm - Reply

      Wow! What good, patient babies waiting for their daddy to bring food.

    22. Karen July 22, 2015 at 8:33 pm - Reply

      The latest update on the Woods Hole chick: (Jazzel is the wildlife worker and C1 is the chick)

      Good news, folks! I just heard from Jazzel and C1 arrived at the rehab in good shape! love love
      As I said to Jazzel, we will pray for C1 a day at a time and send positive thoughts for a full recovery and
      uneventful release.
      Aw, she must be so happy to have a fish! big smile

    23. Marilyn J July 22, 2015 at 8:12 pm - Reply

      They are enjoying dinner on their plastic tablecloth. Quite refined.

    24. Leanne July 22, 2015 at 8:05 pm - Reply

      Another tiny fish and Gracie is NOT happy.

      • Leanne July 22, 2015 at 8:14 pm - Reply

        Interesting. With this feeding when chuck 1, Gigi, would try to grab at the food being offered, Gracie would pull back and feed it to chuck 2, Izzy. Maybe Gracie is getting a bit fed up with how greedy Gigi has been.

    25. Myra July 22, 2015 at 7:51 pm - Reply

      I’ve only watched this site from time to time…question. So what has become of the little one that was sick. Is his body still in the nest, is it covered by the plastic? Wondering….thank you!

    26. Mary D'Angelo July 22, 2015 at 7:47 pm - Reply

      Woods hole chick was rescued and sent to rehab tonight. Godspeed and all the best little one.

    27. Trinity July 22, 2015 at 6:47 pm - Reply

      EST @ 6:45 and both chicks are putting on a show ! Flap those wings ?

    28. Beatrice July 22, 2015 at 6:45 pm - Reply

      From the Woodshole site:
      Welcome to the Woods Hole Osprey Cam
      July 22, 2015
      After consulting with experts on the sitation, we are removing the bird from the nest and have arranged for care with a wildlife rehabilitation facility.

      With that, we are closing the camera for the season. We appreciate your care and interest in the Osprey Cam.

    29. Karen July 22, 2015 at 6:28 pm - Reply

      Gracie needs to go out and try to catch something. Today has been awful.

    30. Brad July 22, 2015 at 6:27 pm - Reply

      Great to see the kids eating together nicely @ 6:20. (: I just looked at the Woods Hole cam and see there is a notice the chick has been removed from the nest and taken to a rehabilitative center. The camera is also shut down for the season.
      A hope it’s a better year next year for that nest!

    31. Donna July 22, 2015 at 6:23 pm - Reply

      They removed the chick from the Woods Hole osprey nest around 5:45 or so. They have arranged for it’s care at a wildlife rehabilitation facility. The last time it was fed was at 9:45 a.m. Monday morning.. They are closing the cam for the season.

    32. Leanne July 22, 2015 at 6:21 pm - Reply

      Another tiny fish and another tug of war. I think George has been stealing from someones bait bucket!

    33. Pat July 22, 2015 at 6:20 pm - Reply

      when will the babies start learning to fly?

    34. Cindy July 22, 2015 at 6:10 pm - Reply

      July 22, 2015
      After consulting with experts on the sitation, we are removing the bird from the nest and have arranged for care with a wildlife rehabilitation facility.

      With that, we are closing the camera for the season. We appreciate your care and interest in the Osprey Cam.

      Update on the Woods Hole chick

    35. Karen July 22, 2015 at 5:52 pm - Reply

      Some hopeful news for the poor chick at Woods Hole:

      July 22, 2015
      After consulting with experts on the sitation, we are removing the bird from the nest and have arranged for care with a wildlife rehabilitation facility.

      With that, we are closing the camera for the season. We appreciate your care and interest in the Osprey Cam.

    36. DQ July 22, 2015 at 5:44 pm - Reply

      Oh, I just saw that they have removed the chick from the Woods Hole nest and shut down the cam. I don’t know all of the specifics, but I hope that this baby will be just fine in the care of a rehabilitation facility! Beautiful Bird and I have enjoyed watching them!

    37. Mitchell July 22, 2015 at 5:14 pm - Reply

      Wait. So the Woods Hole chick has been sitting there starving to death for how long? can someone who knows a thing or two about this situation bring me up to speed. thanks.

    38. Mitchell July 22, 2015 at 5:00 pm - Reply

      Massive Fish brought in about 4:43 EST

    39. Jan July 22, 2015 at 4:55 pm - Reply

      Hi Everyone.. I am new to this site this year and can’t seem to rewind the footage? Can anyone help? I am on an iPad…any suggestions?

    40. Liz July 22, 2015 at 4:45 pm - Reply

      Two little fish at 4:44 PM EDT. Wonder if they are bringing in small fish to teach the chicks to eat on their own? This is the first nest that I have watched, but it is interesting watching the one chick try to eat the small fish.

    41. Leanne July 22, 2015 at 4:44 pm - Reply

      Thats the smallest fish I have ever seen and baby gave Gracie a fight over it.

      • Leanne July 22, 2015 at 4:50 pm - Reply

        WOW!! Chick actually stole it from Gracie and went to other side of nest where Gracie finally managed to get it back, They are so hungry!!

        • Leanne July 22, 2015 at 4:52 pm - Reply

          time on that was approximately 3:45 CST in case you want to use it for a highlight.

    42. marilyn July 22, 2015 at 4:43 pm - Reply

      This last fish was quite small. One of the kids tried to grab it out of Gracies mouth.

    43. Leanne July 22, 2015 at 4:27 pm - Reply

      Glad to see the black plastic blow away. Unfortunately it looked like it blew off and into the water. That’s not good either. Hate plastic!

    44. Joanne July 22, 2015 at 4:05 pm - Reply

      At 2:45 CST I saw what looks like one chick eating the remains of the dead sibling. It has feathers and looks to be crawling with maggots. The mom and other chick completely ignored the whole thing and wanted no part of it. Am I right? Was it the deceased chick?

    45. Rose Petejan July 22, 2015 at 4:04 pm - Reply

      Has there only been half of a fish for 3 birds all day???????

    46. Joann Trongone July 22, 2015 at 3:50 pm - Reply

      Love watching them!! Thank you.

    47. Marilyn July 22, 2015 at 3:12 pm - Reply

      Read a funny post about Gracie moving the plastic that ended up on Georges head. Would love to see that in a “highlight”.

      • Carol July 22, 2015 at 9:10 pm - Reply

        Wasn’t just his head..kind of draped over his back too! Sorry you missed. I hope it shows up, too!

    48. Beatrice July 22, 2015 at 2:42 pm - Reply

      For those of you asking about Woods Hole the latest update I see is this: July 22, 2015
      There was good feeding over the weekend, but the last fish delivery was on Monday. Hoping for food on the nest today. For more frequent updates, you can follow the thread on the Window on Wildlife discussion board.

      • Leanne July 22, 2015 at 4:38 pm - Reply

        I dont watch that site but I became curious and just checked it out. The dad was sitting in the nest with the chick but I have no idea if it had been fed or not. I hope the dad hasnt just given up on it and will hunt to feed it.

      • Susan July 22, 2015 at 5:49 pm - Reply

        As of 5:45 Eastern, the experts have decided to remove the chick from the nest. The cam is shut down for the season.

      • Cindy July 22, 2015 at 8:29 pm - Reply

        They took the chick out of the nest at Woods Hole

      • Becky July 22, 2015 at 11:27 pm - Reply

        Woods Hole chick was removed from the next Wednesday afternoon and taken to Rehab Center…..

      • Karen H July 23, 2015 at 7:58 am - Reply

        Hi. I just looked at the site and now they removed the osprey from the nest and the cam is closed. If you hear of any additional info. I would appreciate you letting us know. Thanks.

    49. gigi July 22, 2015 at 2:39 pm - Reply

      saw a fish delivered about 1;50 today, both chicks had some, even trying to help themselves 🙂

    50. Marilyn July 22, 2015 at 2:23 pm - Reply

      It’s getting a little crowded in the nest, with the kids spreading their wings, especially when George & Gracie are in the nest as well. When will the kids start flying? Is it after Gracie & George leave the nest?

      • Coleen July 22, 2015 at 2:50 pm - Reply

        Gracie and George won’t leave until their chicks learn to fly and find food for themselves.

      • Rose Petejan July 22, 2015 at 3:34 pm - Reply

        The female usually leaves the nest first. The male should continue to feed the chicks until they’re ready to migrate.

      • Jeanne Deevy July 22, 2015 at 3:34 pm - Reply

        Birds won’t fly until they get flight feathers and wings are strong enough. Parents won’t leave before birds fledge (fly), will continue to feed. Babies will learn to eat on own. Ospreys migrate, and at some point mother leaves, and fledglings are taught to hunt by father. Then babies and father leave for South America, probably separately. Amazing what these birds can do so quickly without reading Dr. Spock. I worry about George caring enough to take care of his children after Gracie leaves.

        • Rose Petejan July 22, 2015 at 4:04 pm - Reply

          I thought these were on of the bird species that are not taught to fish?

      • Debbie July 22, 2015 at 6:21 pm - Reply

        Marilyn, They still have a while before they fledge (flying). First they’ll branch and than they fledge. They will stay around the nest
        for about another 5-6 weeks learning how to fish from their parents. Parents won’t leave until chicks can fend for themselves. When they
        do leave Mom usually leaves first and Dad will stay to make sure kids have food. Than Dad will leave, followed by the chicks.

    51. Tom July 22, 2015 at 2:20 pm - Reply

      2:18 p.m. Feeding over. Gracie screaming for more.

    52. Diane S July 22, 2015 at 2:13 pm - Reply

      Finally around 2pm, a 3/4 eaten fish. #1 fought Gracie for it! Gracie prevailed and fed #1, but #2 was unusually aggressive and got in there to eat. George sitting in nest, he needs to get out there and get some fish!

    53. Tom July 22, 2015 at 2:11 pm - Reply

      Just went and rewound DVR – the fish is actually a pretty good size. I think the head was just missing. Kids eating well.

    54. Tom July 22, 2015 at 2:01 pm - Reply

      Really small, half-eaten fish at 1:50 p.m.

    55. Karen July 22, 2015 at 1:59 pm - Reply

      While typing my previous message, #2 moved up and is also being fed but I don’t know how long it will be tolerated.

    56. Dawn July 22, 2015 at 1:59 pm - Reply

      Fish on! Finally. They were NOT happy the first half of today!

    57. Karen July 22, 2015 at 1:58 pm - Reply

      A headless fish shortly before 1:00 which isn’t going to be enough. There was a tug of war between Gracie and #1. Gracie won but agreed to feed him. #2 just tried to get out of the way. Poor guy he’s so hungry but knows he has to wait his turn. The fish isn’t going to last that long.

      • Karen July 22, 2015 at 3:36 pm - Reply

        Oops – that was 2 Eastern.

    58. Rjoneal July 22, 2015 at 1:57 pm - Reply

      Wednesday, July 22 1:53 PM George finally brings first fish of the day he already ate the head off so he got his chair Right away little one grabbed a hold but couldn’t get a big chunk off mom is feeding oldest first Second one is on standby waiting his turn desperately waiting I hope a fight doesn’t break out I’m such a nervous wreck since they are also very hungry even mom is hungry
      This fish is not going to be enough George needs to get his butt off the nest and go back out there
      Come on George if you fill try and try again until you succeed

    59. Shar July 22, 2015 at 1:53 pm - Reply

      Finally at 1:52 pm EST George showed up with a half a fish!

      • Shar July 22, 2015 at 1:56 pm - Reply

        oops…make that 1:52 EDT…(daylight savings time…I keep forgetting.) 😛

    60. Liz July 22, 2015 at 1:53 pm - Reply

      George just flew in with a fish at 1:52PM EDT. Doesn’t look very big, but it is better than nothing. Hopefully afternoon and evening fishing will be better.

    61. Diane S July 22, 2015 at 1:43 pm - Reply

      As long as I’ve been watching…3 1/2 weeks, I have never seen an absence of George for this long. No fish, 1:45pm, nothing since last night! Gracie has been calling for him all day. I fear if/when a fish shows up, there will be an all out battle in the nest.

    62. Shar July 22, 2015 at 1:40 pm - Reply

      Maybe George is upset with Gracie after she came off the perch last night, just before 9 pm EDT, came into the nest and took his fish. Than seconds later, on take off with the fish, she wrapped George in plastic!!

      • Shar July 22, 2015 at 1:42 pm - Reply

        *side note – the plastic fell off him shortly after.

    63. sallyanne July 22, 2015 at 1:22 pm - Reply

      July 22 @1:20PM eastern
      very stressful to watch today. Maybe i missed earlier feedings?? right now, no fish, and about an hour ago, George showed up with no food. Has it been confirmed that he has TWO nests to provide for?? That certainly would explain things.
      C’mon, George OR Gracie!! Pls. get some lunch!!

    64. Featherdog July 22, 2015 at 1:07 pm - Reply

      It will be interesting to see what happens when these guys try their wings for the first time if the wind is blowing as hard as it seems (flapping trash) to sound! Anybody got an extra large crabbing net handy? 🙂

    65. kgerette July 22, 2015 at 1:05 pm - Reply

      Cindy. Woods Hole chick has been getting fed.

      • cindy July 22, 2015 at 2:32 pm - Reply

        Thank you. Mom is so mean to the chick. Why is she mean to it? Glad to see little one get fed when George finally decided to bring a fish in.

    66. Cindy July 22, 2015 at 12:58 pm - Reply

      When is George gonna feed them babies. 🙂 Does anyone know if the chick at Woods Hole is getting anything to eat?

      • Karen July 22, 2015 at 1:19 pm - Reply

        According to the nest watchers, as of this morning, he hasn’t eaten in about 48 hours. Not good news.

      • Cathy H. July 22, 2015 at 1:39 pm - Reply

        Woods Hole chick has not had food since 9:45 am Tuesday. Female stopped in for a couple of minutes a little while ago but brought nothing.

        • Cindy July 22, 2015 at 3:05 pm - Reply

          Looks like they would rescue it, instead of letting it die. They say the are low number of Osprey, so why let them die, if they could be removed. I understand not messing with nature, but there are times when it’s necessary.

      • Cathy H. July 22, 2015 at 1:41 pm - Reply

        Whoops, I meant since Monday 9:45 am.

    67. ray July 22, 2015 at 12:57 pm - Reply

      it’s almost 1pmEST and still have not seen a fish delivered all day. I’ve been checking since 8 this morning. No sign of George as well.

    68. cheryl July 22, 2015 at 12:55 pm - Reply

      Have been watching a couple of hours and no George. Getting nervous.

    69. IRJ July 22, 2015 at 12:39 pm - Reply

      12:33ish EST – Gracie moves some wood over in front of the chicks – I assume to add to the protective barrier – and one of the kids pecked at her! Twice!! Guess no one has taught them not to bite the hand, er, BEAK, that feeds?

      • Marilyn July 22, 2015 at 2:24 pm - Reply


    70. Cathy H. July 22, 2015 at 12:38 pm - Reply

      Oh no, the chick was pecking mother Gracie in the head just now at 12:35 PM EST.

    71. GinaM July 22, 2015 at 12:36 pm - Reply

      one of the babies was just pecking at Gracie’s head as she tried to move a stick to his side of the nest

    72. Karen July 22, 2015 at 12:32 pm - Reply

      This Osprey site in Wales has some very interesting information.

    73. GinaM July 22, 2015 at 12:28 pm - Reply

      George has been coming back empty handed. Now he is flying around somewhere. I hope he is fishing and not out looking for another windshield wiper blade.

    74. Marlene July 22, 2015 at 12:12 pm - Reply

      Well, George flew in around 11:45 a.m. NY time, but empty-taloned. I checked back the last four hours and did not see any feeding going on. This time he not only had to put up with Gracie’s nagging, but the chicks got into the act, too. Everyone must be starving. I don’t think they ate since last night. After a few minutes, he took off again. Hope he’s successful in his fishing.

    75. Leanne July 22, 2015 at 11:50 am - Reply

      10:49 CST and George finally makes an appearance with nothing. Nest is NOT happy.

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