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OspreyZone Live Stream

OspreyZone Playlist
An Intro to OspreyZone
The Story of DDT
Osprey Rescue
2020 Clips
Bald Eagles Visit Nest
Ospreyzone Highlights: May 21-29, 2020
OspreyZone Highlights: May 15-20, 2020 - The Intruder
OspreyZone Highlights: May 7th-14th, 2020
OspreyZone Highlights: April 15-21, 2020
OspreyZone Yankee
March 18, 2016 Timelapse
The Summer of 2015 by GinaM
Osprey Rescue Extended - July 30, 2015
Osprey Zone Highlights - June 28, 2015
Osprey Zone Highlights - June 19, 2015
osprey 07/11/15 squirt
First Sighting
George and Gracie's First Baby
Eggs Over Easy
Changing of the Guard
Breakfast is Served
Feeding Time
First Love
Let's Hang Out
Hard to Get
Little Brother
Dinner is Served
OspreyZone Montage

OspreyZone Highlights: George Returns
Tip: If the nest is empty, use the red scroll bar to rewind the stream up to 12 hours
Please be advised that nature can be brutal – viewer discretion is advised.
Best viewed with Google Chrome. copyright © 2016 – 2020 Tax Reduction Services. All rights reserved.
Special Thanks to Tommy and Christina: George & Gracie’s Landlords
Belle’s Journey
Written by Dr. Rob Bierregaard & Illustrated by Kate Garchinsky
Take flight with Belle, an osprey born on Martha’s Vineyard as she learns to fly and migrates for the first time to Brazil and back–a journey of more than 8,000 miles.
IMPORTANT: Messages from osprey experts
I haven’t seen the little guy yet this morning, but I would be very surprised if he survived the night. That sure was tough to watch yesterday, but that whole process is as much a part of the essence of being an Osprey as is eating a fish. It’s part of the life of Ospreys that was rarely seen before we started putting cameras in nests. As hard as it is, we should not label the behavior as mean or cruel. Being mean or cruel implies that there is intent to do harm just for harm’s sake. Those young were responding to a set of stimuli (very little food being delivered to the nest and the presence of a very small young) in a way that evolution has hard-wired into them. It helps ensure their survival. Nature is not cruel. It is harsh, unforgiving, and often random (had the little guy been born 1st, he would have been just as aggressive as was his sibling), but not cruel or mean.
Paul Henry ospreyzone July 1, 2015 at 8:17 am
Thanks Rob for bringing your knowledge and experience to help us all gain perspective here. We are all saddened by the events that unfolded before our eyes and it’s only natural for all of us to feel and express our emotions appropriately. There have been many issues pertaining to intervention which have been discussed amongst us all. There is no doubt in my mind that the right decision was made, to let nature take it’s course. By the way, that doesn’t equate to heartless, on the contrary, nobody feels worse about this then the apparent decision makers. I say apparent, because when all was said and done, and all the issues were properly weighed, there really weren’t any other options. It was clearly pointed out, by experts, that intervening at this stage could have spooked the whole nest to the point of losing all the young. If the little one was saved, and nursed back to health, what kind of a life would it have had, perhaps caged up in a zoo. I remember when I was younger I saw a golden eagle in captivity, caged behind a wire mesh. I could practically see it’s tears. As far as placing the little one in another nest, such a low probability of success would never have justified the possibility of spooking the nest. There’s a piece of me, however heavy hearted, that believes that perhaps it is better to be born free and die free. We mourn for the little one as we marvel at the wonders of nature.
Hello Paul,
Thanks for your query, and you have my admiration for persevering. We know very well how tough your job is, including dealing with an anxious public.
Our policy with our Bird Cams project is essentially “just say no” to pleas for interference. The behavior you are witnessing – while seemingly cruel and heartless to us – is natural for many kinds of birds, especially those that feed on variable, unpredictable food supplies. The little nestling does have a chance to survive, but if it does not then that result was “meant to be” by the nature of Osprey breeding strategy. The wonderful things about these nest cameras also sometimes yield the difficult things for us to watch. As you might know, we actually post a “siblicide alert” on some of our cams where we suspect the possibility exists.
I’m copying your note to Charles Eldermire, project leader for our Bird Cams. He may have some additional comments, and he would be the one to ask if we might be able to use your stored files for biological analysis.
Best wishes, and good luck,
John W. Fitzpatrick
Director, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
It’s also important to acknowledge that intervening can also cause problems of its own—depending on the ages of the birds in the nest, disturbing them can trigger an early fledge. We have restricted the scenarios in which we would even consider intervening to injuries or dangers that are explicitly human-derived. For example, 3 or 4 years ago we were alerted by viewers that one of the osprey chicks at the Hellgate Osprey nest was entangled in monofilament line. We consulted with our partners there (wildlife biologists, raptor researchers, raptor rehabbers) to determine if the monofilament was an issue, and if intervening was both likely to solve the issue AND not have bad effects on the other nestlings. In the end, a quick trip to the nest was scheduled via a bucket truck, the monofilament was removed, and the nestlings all eventually fledged. In that case, all of the permits were already in hand to be studying the ospreys, and we had already discussed how to approach issues in the nest.
Good luck to the young one—hope it all turns out well.
Charles Eldermire
Bird Cams Project Leader
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
I’ve been to your site—great cam! And I noticed the runt in the nest. This is just normal Osprey reproduction. It happens all the time and you should not intervene. It’s tough to watch, but it’s how nature works. Ospreys almost always lay 3 eggs and on average fledge between 1 and 1.5 young each year. They stagger the hatch so there is a spread of ages in the young. That way, if food is short, the first-hatched (and therefore largest) will get enough food to survive while the smaller nest mates do not. If all three young were the same size and there was only enough food for 1 young, none of the young would get enough food and they would all die. If there’s lots of food, the smallest will eventually get fed and can survive. These nest cams can show some gut-wrenching scenes. The most infamous perhaps was one of the very first Osprey cams (on Long Island somewhere), where the smallest young died. One of the adults carried it out of the nest and after several minutes flew back into the nest and fed it to the other young. Waste-not-want-not at its goriest. At Hog Island up in Maine just last week a Bald Eagle came in and took the young out of the nest. Last year at another nest, cameras documented a Great-horned Owl taking young Ospreys out of a nest in NJ or MD. All of these things have been going on for millions of years and Ospreys are doing fine.
Rob Bierregaard
Academy of Natural Sciences
Drexel University
Interesting time. At least TWO chicks were helicoptering this morning! It’s really great to see a functional, progressing family this year. Thanks to everyone who’s watching over these five!
I saw not sure 2 or 3 helicoptering…does anyone know which chick it is
And feeding is happening…
Second kid stepped in…
Thank you, Aidan!
LIVE stream running…
Feeding time
Everyone eats
Lucy feeding Jr
This was funny… thought Jr was self-feeding but Lucy’s head perfectly aligned with Jr’s body… Lucy still feeding!
George in with another fish, waiting to get noticed
Jr asking dad for the fish….
He better get it soon,,, Lucy almost done with hers
Just hanging out; looking pretty
Calling for breakfast
Dosed off ….one flew….I believe up to perch
Couldn’t get pic in time
I thought I saw one climb up “steps “ right in front of the camera yesterday but it was sort of sideeye….
Rise and shine……
Heads or tails
The family is all here for a meal
Waiting for the good humor man….
Flapping for entertainment
That time of evening when we got touched by gold…
Temp dropping to 71 under clear skies. Winds S7mph
Pardon me if I’ve said this before but I think these are the most relaxed chicks we’ve had! Minimal competition, minimum frenzy at fish delivery.
No body picking on anyone! And Lucy has complete control at feeding time….
Lucy and the crew waiting to see what G shows up with…
carol— i agree about the calm nest. even had visitors and all was calm.
Flappercizing in background while Jr works on his fish
George left the fish for this kid . Other two were eating with Lucy
One decides to do some flap practice…
Lucy lands with fish. Kids take their time then one starts to come to eat
And George pops in with a second fish
2 kids and an adult here; parent feeding kids
The visiting fledglings left, one at 12:03 and the other, on the left, followed several seconds behind. There’s another of George’s and Lucy’s chicks way over to the right in the “no see him zone”. You can see a beak every so often.
Our chicks look like they’re consoling each other
Reminds me of when Solar and Eclipse had their two visitors,that was very funny.
Yes! I thought about that. Too
Heeeeeeere’s Lucy!
Who said you guys could have friends over!
“I’m staying waaaay over here.”
If three chicks are good, than five is better? We have five now!
So glad you got this!
Thank you, Carol, so am I!
So funny that would have been 5 if all eggs hatched
I think Lucy would have been able to handle it
I hope we never have to find out…five chicks would be nearly impossible to raise to fledge.
LIVE STREAM running!
Kid in back getting up there …. Big butt in our way…
Just caught toes up top and sib watching from firmly in the nest..
And here’s Lucy. She must have finished off whatever she was working on with 3rd kid. Now she’s taking control.
These kids may not get any practice til mom leaves town!
George brought a fish and wanted someone to take it. The kids kept checking to right before one decided to take the fish that G had already left for him.
Guess we’ll see if Lucy lets him keep it
Got all these shots of one kid who helpfully posed in all positions
Good looks at head and chest, with dry feathers and good lighting…. Just have to get better idea of which this is
This is monkey in the middle
Chick with the heaviest necklace….like Jane
I think the chick that likes to park herself up front has necklace like Lucy’s ……little Lucy
Your Waldo has lightest chest
Uh Oh
Not saying he took off, just getting closer!
Back to live…. Do these guys have assigned seats?
I like the pinecone look
Good morning all, the live stream is running…thanks Aidan!
Video stuck on 8/1 replay
Couple of shots from yesterday’s video
One of the kids with Lucy’s clump…
Lucy puts stick lovingly on a kid…….
Sib moves it off…. Little game with mom…
Just as pretty when damp
Nest freshly washed…Lucy decides to rearrange sticks
Chick…CarolV ‘s Waldo?…..helps
CarolV…is Waldo chick with lightest chest?
Chick under stick tried to “limbo”
She touched the she’s out
They moved a few sticks from front to other side
So of course George had to bring seaweed…then a new stick
How dare they rearrange his display!
All joined Lucy asking George for a fish
I think so. I thought lightest head too.
Everyone still gathered but slowed down…
Video keeps freezing and catching up….
Skies clearing overnight. Temps hovering 69-70 till dawn. Very muggy @98%humidity; winds S3mph
Lucy brought in one of her mud clods ….
The yammering started… she even threw in some Daffy sqwacks, nice and clear…:
And then it’s clear….. here comes the fish!
The big kid made it move for it but Lucy just got it as usual. It’s a big whole fish that she’s not likely to let go!
Momma still showing who’s the boss!
Oh, goodie…. Something new
Before you look at the screen…you know they’re eating by their yummy sounds
After lunch
Not on speaking terms!😆
Feeding was happening right here but barely saw a parental beak. Pieces of fish were grabbed.
So at least we know they’re eating.
Back on track….
Just checked in and this was my first view…. It wasn’t in focus as kid to back flapped and these tail feathers flopped…. So perfect for our little family!
Happy we have you back!
Even in the rain, kids gotta eat. Lucy plugs away with recently delivered grubhub order. The juvirs gather.
Mouthy joins in when George (upstairs) sounds off at someone.
Rain for the next hour or so; it’s been raining since at least dawn. A gentle rain that we needed!
Temps staying mid 70s: winds E8mph
They don’t even flinch when George sounds the alarm
Yeah..yeah dad …whatever…knock your talons off
The live stream is down, likely until Monday morning.
Looks like a quick shot of the basketball team! Everyone smiling but who can tell?
Then we got a present….
George tripped around in it, impressing the kids with his s footwork
It’s even getting difficult to tell adults apart at times… I think Lucy as jumping on this trying to move it….
Happy it’s gone!
Sorry I missed the exit…
Lucy confiscated G’s fish before kid got it….
Cooling down nicely to low 70s . Chance of showers after midnight to early morning…
SOD eveyone
Fill em up before bedtime!
Kid wants to take fish but G hangs on for now!
Sounded like one on right was being fed too
At 6:15ish pm…
Kid tried taking the fish and G turned it over but Lucy pushed her way in. After a brief tug, Lucy took it and was ready to feed someone.
Osprey feeding frenzy
4pm…. Feeding happening
Third joins in…
Sibs are eating
Think this is chick that loves her camera
Good morning chick
Lucy yelling for fish delivery
George dropped and went to perch to alert
I think I did see a close fly over….maybe someone chased him for the fish
No rush over
Down in front chick stayed put
Finally decides to get a bite or two
Lucy seemed to be starving though…she was ripping into that fish
Dad’s home with mid morning treat! Lucy’s right on it! I think kid is looking for its own!
Kid watching dad leave
Lucy back there downing last of fish
Friday morning, lazily passing time…
Wanna see my wing?
One kid is getting yammering lessons…
When Dad yells, everyone listens
Practice! Getting those clodhoppers off that nest!
The three miracles working on their night grooms and moves
Too hot to hop?
The kids and their full tummies sleeping it off….
Still about 82 @6:45pm, temp dropping slowly to about 72 under partly cloudy skies. Winds 10mph from S
Mealtime… shadows of probably Lucy working away
Lucy showing off nice fish…..eyeball and all!
These chicks are so well fed….nobody was in a rush to the breakfish table
One seemed more interested in bug watching
Lucy brings seaweed
Not much gets past chick in front
As someone, I believe Isabella, mentioned, we shouldn’t forget our little angel that was with us so briefly.
I’m proposing PIXIE
That’s my nickname for the rainbow orbs that appear when rising sun and other conditions are right and the colorful orbs sparkle.
I like to think of our little one being with them, doing her own sparkling…..
As I called her wee one…..I love Pixie🧚♀️
Very sweet sentiment! Pixie is a perfect name!
Someone’s been busy….
Shouldn’t you be fishing, George??
And if it wasn’t you,G, I apologize for thr blame game🤔
G brings seaweed…
Has to tuck his stick back up to the manbird cave before going up
This kid is very interested in what G is up to
The new stuff looks like fronds more than sticks… that’s encouraging. At least it’s comfortable
The kids have grown into their clown feet!
Earlier, they must have been home alone and had a flyover
It has been an amazing journey watching these three grew. I’m fascinated how they are now able to hold up their mighty wings. I wonder when they will fly away and do they go and come back or once they goes they are off forever. How will we know them when they return next year. Has anyone named them. I would like to offer MO, LARRY and CURLY
They won’t return from migration for two years. Females end up far from their natal nests, males much closer but we won’t ever know as they are not banded. And even if one tried to land, George and Lucy would chase it away. So we won’t ever see them again after they leave for migration. If they are to be named it will be announced. Yes they will come back to the nest quite a bit, as they will get their fish from George and sometimes Lucy.
Excellent…..Thanks so much for the info. I do love watching them. They have gotten SO BIG
Time flies by so fast, before we know it, they will be flying around.
I’ll just wait here…
Feeding already …
Temps rising to 82 under cloudy skies.
Wind from the W@3mph. Humidity 89%
Temps hovering around 73-74 most of night. Chance of showers after 3am, thru early morning.
Winds S@8mph
Dad’s home!
George brought a nice fish, which Lucy wasted no time claiming
Nobody was in a rush… Lucy got a little tap.
George didn’t wait around…
Finally some interest and a little urgency…. Smarty pants uses the slide under technique while the other two are going in from left
Just got a good look at the fish….poor thing looks stunned 😳
Family meal….
and a straggler who gets alone time….
Practice for juvie
Everybody get up!
Morning jazzercize by the bay
What’s up?
Watching sunrise
One doing George’s Bela Lugosi
Camera going on and off but that looks like G on the right as it went out…
Waiting for the G train….
Everyone sitting quietly, including Lucy loose lips,
It’s been a morning for watching
At one point, it looked like they may have had a few bites
But mostly checking and reacting to the traffic…
George delivers a small breakfast.
They look disappointed
Not what they ordered 😆
Yeah… they’re used to the lumberjack special not the diet option
George arrived on perch?
Sleepyhead time over
Incoming parent
Neatly packed little sardines….
Temps heading down, maybe below 65! Can I look forward to turning off that fan????
Winds @SW7mph and only 63%humidity
Lucy is here to lead the jrs. in chant: Where’s the fish ????
George is at it again…..
Heard him upstairs and this stick poked jr as it dangled from above…..left it hanging there. Hopefully we won’t find out the hard way what the rest looks like.!
Sun was rising and so were the chicks
That face!
Asked them to line up
Trying to get a good look to tell them apart
They cooperated as best they could!
Synchronized chicks
Bossy chick is pooped
Oh no ….mom’s home
George is in, afriss the nest, with what looks like a fresh fish…. Interest is growing….
The kids start to make their way over.
First one, then two wander over…. George just keeps passing it out…
Lucy comes in, letting everyone know she’s there, then heads least one kid followed her. There appears to be feeding going on. No idea if she bought one or found one. George still has what he brought in.
Ok CarolV
Googled afriss
You should come up with definition and submit to Webster
They are always adding new words😉
I was just laughing at myself for my typing! That and physics were the only classes I didn’t do well in during high school!!
The recruiters will be after me for brand appropriation! or acronym theft!
LOL! I fixed it for you, Carol!
Think it’s funny that it has to do with the Air Force
Since osprey fly….and there are osprey aircrafts
They may want to recruit the chicks 😜
Wonderful to see the self feeding and the wing exercising! I’m not having much luck identifying them, anyone have any ideas? .Seems the markings are so similar so I guess there might not be a naming contest, what to you think?
That and we cannot see them very well in the little window we have, they are getting too big!
I will try
Bossy chick has necklace more like Lucy
Chick 2 has heavy necklace
Chick 3 has light chest ( CarolV ‘s Waldo)?
Or is Waldo one with heavy necklace?
All seem to have similar head markings
Maybe we should just call them the miracle trio
Hate to leave out the wee one though
Both parents are feeding kids…
This kid has claimed the fish from George….
gang is just hanging around. Lucy spending more time on the perch. While normal, now I miss her!
A cooler 75 with NW@8mph.. humidity a blessed 54%. Partly cloudy while temps slowly heat up to 80ish. Much easier to live with.
Hanging out
Chick closest to camera was very upset….never heard a chick put out the ultra alert
George came ..then Lucy
Looked like a couple of people were flying kites…wonder if that was it
Feeding happening….
This kid restless…. Is moving nest material onto a sib…
No explanation…. Just that face….
Phew! It was aiming towards us as he backed and I think he stepped on a stick and veered……
Reminded me a little…. That scene from Independence Day when they stare upward as the portal begins to open right before they get zapped…. Well, the kid thankfully veered and the zap went left!
There’s been a few close calls
They like to ham it up for the camera 😁
Does this come with instructions???
Look who’s got a fish of her own!!! She is managing to get little pieces.
They’re growing up so fast!😢
Wow…big kids now…it’s like one makes their own breakfast