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OspreyZone Live Stream

OspreyZone Playlist
An Intro to OspreyZone
The Story of DDT
Osprey Rescue
2020 Clips
Bald Eagles Visit Nest
Ospreyzone Highlights: May 21-29, 2020
OspreyZone Highlights: May 15-20, 2020 - The Intruder
OspreyZone Highlights: May 7th-14th, 2020
OspreyZone Highlights: April 15-21, 2020
OspreyZone Yankee
March 18, 2016 Timelapse
The Summer of 2015 by GinaM
Osprey Rescue Extended - July 30, 2015
Osprey Zone Highlights - June 28, 2015
Osprey Zone Highlights - June 19, 2015
osprey 07/11/15 squirt
First Sighting
George and Gracie's First Baby
Eggs Over Easy
Changing of the Guard
Breakfast is Served
Feeding Time
First Love
Let's Hang Out
Hard to Get
Little Brother
Dinner is Served
OspreyZone Montage

OspreyZone Highlights: George Returns
Tip: If the nest is empty, use the red scroll bar to rewind the stream up to 12 hours
Please be advised that nature can be brutal – viewer discretion is advised.
Best viewed with Google Chrome. copyright © 2016 – 2020 Tax Reduction Services. All rights reserved.
Special Thanks to Tommy and Christina: George & Gracie’s Landlords
Belle’s Journey
Written by Dr. Rob Bierregaard & Illustrated by Kate Garchinsky
Take flight with Belle, an osprey born on Martha’s Vineyard as she learns to fly and migrates for the first time to Brazil and back–a journey of more than 8,000 miles.
IMPORTANT: Messages from osprey experts
I haven’t seen the little guy yet this morning, but I would be very surprised if he survived the night. That sure was tough to watch yesterday, but that whole process is as much a part of the essence of being an Osprey as is eating a fish. It’s part of the life of Ospreys that was rarely seen before we started putting cameras in nests. As hard as it is, we should not label the behavior as mean or cruel. Being mean or cruel implies that there is intent to do harm just for harm’s sake. Those young were responding to a set of stimuli (very little food being delivered to the nest and the presence of a very small young) in a way that evolution has hard-wired into them. It helps ensure their survival. Nature is not cruel. It is harsh, unforgiving, and often random (had the little guy been born 1st, he would have been just as aggressive as was his sibling), but not cruel or mean.
Paul Henry ospreyzone July 1, 2015 at 8:17 am
Thanks Rob for bringing your knowledge and experience to help us all gain perspective here. We are all saddened by the events that unfolded before our eyes and it’s only natural for all of us to feel and express our emotions appropriately. There have been many issues pertaining to intervention which have been discussed amongst us all. There is no doubt in my mind that the right decision was made, to let nature take it’s course. By the way, that doesn’t equate to heartless, on the contrary, nobody feels worse about this then the apparent decision makers. I say apparent, because when all was said and done, and all the issues were properly weighed, there really weren’t any other options. It was clearly pointed out, by experts, that intervening at this stage could have spooked the whole nest to the point of losing all the young. If the little one was saved, and nursed back to health, what kind of a life would it have had, perhaps caged up in a zoo. I remember when I was younger I saw a golden eagle in captivity, caged behind a wire mesh. I could practically see it’s tears. As far as placing the little one in another nest, such a low probability of success would never have justified the possibility of spooking the nest. There’s a piece of me, however heavy hearted, that believes that perhaps it is better to be born free and die free. We mourn for the little one as we marvel at the wonders of nature.
Hello Paul,
Thanks for your query, and you have my admiration for persevering. We know very well how tough your job is, including dealing with an anxious public.
Our policy with our Bird Cams project is essentially “just say no” to pleas for interference. The behavior you are witnessing – while seemingly cruel and heartless to us – is natural for many kinds of birds, especially those that feed on variable, unpredictable food supplies. The little nestling does have a chance to survive, but if it does not then that result was “meant to be” by the nature of Osprey breeding strategy. The wonderful things about these nest cameras also sometimes yield the difficult things for us to watch. As you might know, we actually post a “siblicide alert” on some of our cams where we suspect the possibility exists.
I’m copying your note to Charles Eldermire, project leader for our Bird Cams. He may have some additional comments, and he would be the one to ask if we might be able to use your stored files for biological analysis.
Best wishes, and good luck,
John W. Fitzpatrick
Director, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
It’s also important to acknowledge that intervening can also cause problems of its own—depending on the ages of the birds in the nest, disturbing them can trigger an early fledge. We have restricted the scenarios in which we would even consider intervening to injuries or dangers that are explicitly human-derived. For example, 3 or 4 years ago we were alerted by viewers that one of the osprey chicks at the Hellgate Osprey nest was entangled in monofilament line. We consulted with our partners there (wildlife biologists, raptor researchers, raptor rehabbers) to determine if the monofilament was an issue, and if intervening was both likely to solve the issue AND not have bad effects on the other nestlings. In the end, a quick trip to the nest was scheduled via a bucket truck, the monofilament was removed, and the nestlings all eventually fledged. In that case, all of the permits were already in hand to be studying the ospreys, and we had already discussed how to approach issues in the nest.
Good luck to the young one—hope it all turns out well.
Charles Eldermire
Bird Cams Project Leader
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
I’ve been to your site—great cam! And I noticed the runt in the nest. This is just normal Osprey reproduction. It happens all the time and you should not intervene. It’s tough to watch, but it’s how nature works. Ospreys almost always lay 3 eggs and on average fledge between 1 and 1.5 young each year. They stagger the hatch so there is a spread of ages in the young. That way, if food is short, the first-hatched (and therefore largest) will get enough food to survive while the smaller nest mates do not. If all three young were the same size and there was only enough food for 1 young, none of the young would get enough food and they would all die. If there’s lots of food, the smallest will eventually get fed and can survive. These nest cams can show some gut-wrenching scenes. The most infamous perhaps was one of the very first Osprey cams (on Long Island somewhere), where the smallest young died. One of the adults carried it out of the nest and after several minutes flew back into the nest and fed it to the other young. Waste-not-want-not at its goriest. At Hog Island up in Maine just last week a Bald Eagle came in and took the young out of the nest. Last year at another nest, cameras documented a Great-horned Owl taking young Ospreys out of a nest in NJ or MD. All of these things have been going on for millions of years and Ospreys are doing fine.
Rob Bierregaard
Academy of Natural Sciences
Drexel University
George and Ronnie were @ the Nest
George delivers and Sandy snatches the fish 12:49 pm George flys off and Sandy devours it
I think Ronnie migrated south a week ago. Am I wrong?
Hi Phil – The last time I KNOW Ronnie was here was Sept. 21st. She left any day thereafter.
I scrolled back four hours and saw George fly to the nest around 8:30 a.m. I thought he might’ve been sitting on the top perch, because it looks like he just came straight down. He hung around a few minutes, then left, and shortly afterward Sandy flew in. She was waiting for her breakfast! So far, nothing has been delivered. I thought I heard George chirping off in the distance, but it might’ve been another osprey. Sounds like a lot of birds chirping out there this morning.
Beautiful sunrise….as I type I can hear geese honking as they fly by….and a crow yelling….nest looks lonely
I feel a little sad seeing the empty nest. I find myself checking in less and less; but the Osprey family is not far from my thoughts. Hoping all are well and thriving.
George is there right now.
About 6:50P just watching Sandy observing all around her. Trying to get used to being alone, maybe. Have only seen her today and not very much. Maybe she’s been exploring a little.
As far as the nest goes I think whatever Rob and Tommy decide as the caretakers is fine. If it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t have had the privy to this osprey family. I for one am truly grateful. On one hand it’s sad that Gracie is gone and the others will be on their way soon, but that is nature. Thanks again Rob and Tommy for a wonderful Spring and Summer.
About 3 ish Sandy came to the nest with a whole fish. She stayed a few minutes dragged the poor fish around the nest then left. A few minutes later she came back with the same fish and again left. That poor fish was alive I think trough all of this moving it around it. She must have eaten it elsewhere because she returned again at 5:30 without any fish leftovers. She has been calling since then for George to deliver another fish for her. I hope he does because it gets dark earlier now and they doesn’t fish after dark as I recall.
Dear Sandy,
We all know how you feel. You are comfortable where you are. You like the nest. It is home. It is in a really cool place. The North Fork of Long Island is absolutely beautiful. For now. Soon the winds will really start howling. The temperatures will drop. The bay will freeze over. You won’t be able to fish. Not that you fish all that often. George keeps you in good supply of your meals. But he knows he has to fly south. Ronnie can’t wait to go and sample Latin American fish.
So, Miss Sandy, Princess of the Orient, get yourself ready. You are going to have to become self reliant. It is inside you. You can do it. We are all with you and we anxiously await the return of your parents next April and hopefully see you again in a couple of years, when you are ready.
Come on girl. Sitting on the perch crying for someone to bring you dinner isn’t going to help you.
The water temp is at its warmest right now. Dive in. Grab yourself a bunker and fish for yourself. And build up the courage to follow your instincts Mother Nature instilled in you.
I know what you are saying. Part of me agrees with it and wants them to get going for the reasons you mention. Part of me feels that George’s instinct is telling him, he or she is not ready yet and so he is indulgent. He really is a wonderful dad.
GinaM – Just love your message to Sandy. Hopefully she’ll hear you and heed your words! I think we ALL send the same sentiment to Sandy as this is such an important crossroad in her evolution and perhaps her ultimate survival.
I so agree with your sentiments…
C’mon Sandy, we’re all rooting for you!!
Loved your letter to Sandy and totally agree she will soon have to get her rear end in gear if she hopes to make it south. George will not stay forever. As an adult I think he knows he has to hit the road soon and let Sandy fend for herself if she can.
6:20 p.m.9/23 – Sandy in the almost “no see” corner chirping to George for his assistance with dinner tonight. Not demanding like almost always, but just squeakily chirping.
Saw three Fish fly in
My opinion on the nest: I feel that since nature has taken its course in all other aspects concerning this osprey family other than the life saving rescue, we humans should just let nature “run with it”. Plastic and other junk should be taken out. I do recommend to both Gracie and George that they take some basket weaving lessons while on vacation this winter. They just might come in handy in the Spring. : )
I have to marvel at some nests in the 10 year range, especially one that I pass by frequently on Flanders Rd. in Flanders. The skill to weave the sticks “just so” to make a virtual osprey basket that would rival a human professional basket maker is astounding.
Lyn, I agree with you . Although taken the plastic out , as nice as it may be, might damage the nest structure. Osprey’s do seem to bring strange things into their nests.
To think that any bird can construct something as complex as a nest using just their beaks and feet is amazing.
George siting at 8:30 am for a few minutes on nest
First George show briefly ,then later Sandy arrives swarming looking for some company and or breakfast.They missed each other by minutes around 8 :30 am George and 8 :50 am Sandy. Ships passing in the night.
What happened to the streaming feed? Oh well, as of 2:00 p.m. when I checked, its back in business. Sandy in the nest when good ol’ George delivers a fish to Sandy, who basically flaps her wings to shoo George away. Haven’t yet seen Ronnie nor do I have any “proof”, such as fly -byes or noise from the perch, so I don’t know if she’s still around. My gut says she is, but time will tell.
My goodness Lyn, I scrolled back and it was George. So happy to see him. Thank you for alerting us.
Mine too
Kathy, yes my live feed was out also…probably everyone’s…it felt weird not seeing the nest, even empty…
I agree for what it is worth- the nest should remain for them to keep building on as the years go by. It is natures way.
Have to scroll back to see it.
Beautiful shot of Sandy I guess with the sun streaming on the water.
My live feed down for a few hours now. Anyone else?
Fine now. Fingers crossed.
Same here… but back up now.
Yes – it was down. Back up now and you can scroll back to see what you missed.
3:10 Sandy lands with fish It looks like it is not a fresh kill She soon takes off with it in her claw She does not appear to be hungry as around 2:27 she lands again with it.
Good morning, everyone. Sandy arrived at the nest around 7:55 a.m. with nice chirps — no squawking. That’s the only activity I’ve seen so far this morning. Looks like a nice day today!
Watched a kid sitting in the nest and looking for someone to chat with. All fluffed up in the chill of the morning…waiting for the sun to warm him up.
I should say – he or she flew onto nest – not into – and is still there.
One kid just flew into nest.
The only thing they should do is remove the black garbage …everything else should be left as is, especially PeeWee is resting right in the middle of it..
They r spending short times in nest now..more like fly in and out..
Again I ask what date was the last time anyone saw Ronnie?..would like to make note of it..
Thank all for taking care of this site….I have my books lined up to learn more info of these wonderful creatures…
Lyn and Helen…I’m glad you mentioned seeing George briefly yesterday afternoon! I had noticed him once scrolling thru, then rewound several times to get a better look and never found that spot! Not unusual when an incident is brief but I tried several times and thought I was going cookoo!!!
Rjoneal,,was just gonna send you a quick “hi” as you hadn’t posted much lately. Glad to see you’re still here and hope you have a great year!
Got to scroll back enough to see what I think were both kids stopping in in the late afternoon. Of course they didn’t come at the same time, so not sure.
Beginning around 6:30 p.m. and lasting for a long time, Sandy has been squawking and flying in and out of the next. She must be calling her daddy for dinner, but he does not show up. Maybe she doesn’t like to put her talons in the cold water. It’s now 8:18 p.m., she’s not in the nest, and George has not been around. Tomorrow will be a warmer day. That’s good for the remainder of our osprey family. I wonder if any of George and Gracie’s neighboring ospreys are still around.
I thought they were all gone from the nest next to my property as there was no sign of anyone. Then yesterday last morning, I saw one flying around and chirping – he flew over my house and to a neighbor’s house.
i am going to miss you all….thanks to all
Has anyone seen Sandy come in with a fish of her own today? Checked in a couple times today, but didn’t see any….even when I was able to rewind the tape.
1850: Chick on nest calling. 1855: Flies around the nest and returns.
One of the kids in the next nibbling then takes off. A short while later two crows show up to scavenge.
Paul, has it been decided if the nest will be left as is for next year or taken down to let them rebuild ?
Gamma, they said they were going to lower the nest a bit for next year. Nothing said about tearing it apart. Hopefully they will clean it up a bit like taking plastic, etc out.
God speed to all our family.
Gamma, I have never seen a nest taken down for this purpose. One of the beautiful things about ospreys is how they return to their nest and add on to it. Some are absolutely enormous with years of collected wood.
This is PeeWee’s resting place, too 🙁
Amen, Alizarin
Gina and to all who answered. They do remove the Chesapeake nest and the Osprey’s rebuild each year. There was discussion about a month or so about taking it down ( the nest ) or leaving it. I do know they plan on lowering the platform so I was wondering if that would mean taking the nest also.
Maybe Paul will answer and clear it up
And please know that I do not mean to start anything or show disrespect but this is nature and sometimes we do need to let go and not humanize ( is that a word :)) ) these birds , as hard as it is sometimes.
I’ve noticed that in some area they remove all branches etc, so the Ospreys have to start over, very in-efficient. I don’t think we have to clear the platform in our climate so we will try to keep the nest intact as we remove a section of the tower.
Thank You Paul. That’s the answer I was hoping for. Nests that are not watched by cameras are left as is , unless they build in dangerous spots, so thats how this one should be.
Obviously the camera will have to be taken down or at least turned off while they take the section out, but do you think there will be any video of the work being done ?
There should be no problem with leaving the nest intact. If you remember the incident on Shelter Island, the nest came down but it was in one piece and was replaced.
Hi Gamma,
I was basing my reply on the nests in my area. They are not monitored, they are wild nests. And the ospreys come back every year and build upon the the previous year’s collection of remaining sticks.
GinaM. I apologize if I sounded snappy. Most of the nests I watch ( by camera ) do leave the nests in tact and I don’t think they even clean them out. My feeling is that is how it should be, as in nature no one is clearing them away. I just wanted to point out that the Chesapeake nest is taken down for some reason. I remembered a short discussion on this from previous posts so that was why I brought it up.
Dear Gamma,
Anthropomorphize is the word you are looking for which means to ascribe human traits to non-humans such as osprey.
Bob. Such a good word and if I could spell it I would use it :))))))))))))))
The people who monitor the nest for the Chesapeake Conservancy remove that nest and it gets rebuilt by that osprey couple each year. The nests I watch around here are all unmonitored and natural, in that they get added to or repaired yearly.
The CC nest takes it down because of parasites make there self at home in the nest, i think they should let them rebuild it.
Ospreys build upon the remains of the prior years’ worth of nests.
Just a note about Crows, some consider them to be the smartest birds. They use tools, cache objects and food. My guess is they like the height of nest and the little tidbits they are finding. Waste not want not.
Around 15 minutes ago, George delivered half a fish to Sandy. She was hanging around, waiting for him to leave so she could eat her brunch by herself, but he did not leave, so she flew off with it.
about 10:50
Sandy come back to nest.10:50 At 10;52 Dad delivers headless fish .. 10:54 Sandy leaves nest with fish.Dad stays behind and does rearranging of nest and leaves.. Have not seen Ronnie for a couple of days.. Has anyone???
10:50 a.m. – 9/22 – Good papa George brings headless fish to the squawking Sandy. George begins to tidy the nest with stick rearranging, and this annoys Sandy where she takes off with fish in talons to off camera site to eat. George then decides he wants a fish and heads out into the bay.
He really is a good papa. I suspect that some instinct is telling him that she needs a little while longer before she is ready to be on her own.
10:50am Sandy I think with the 3 spots on her chest) comes into the nest squawking & 3 minutes later Dad delivers a fish for her. George still doing his Dad duties. Yeah!!!!
10:52 AM George just brought Sandy a large half fish… YUM!
HI All – I’ve written from time to time since I found out about this site – many thanks to Channel 2 News who did the original story – and have enjoyed it thoroughly – other than what happened to poor PeeWee. Learning so much about the Ospreys has been fun & observing it up front thanks to Paul & crew has been outrageous. I also enjoyed all of your comments and knowledge & laughs. Funny – I still can’t tell Sandy from Ronnie as many of your can’t either. Now looking at the nest and hearing the wind starting up – is evident winter is on the way. I hope both chicks get to where they have to go safely as well as George & Gracie. I worry bout Sandy a bit cause it looks as though she’s very comfortable in the nest. In case she doesn’t want to leave – I have room for her down here at the Jersey Shore. LOL Thrilled cam is going to be on all winter so we can all keep in touch. Everyone be safe & keep in touch. Thanks a million again all!!
Sandy is still fishless. She flew into the nest around 9:20 a.m. All I saw her eat this morning was the leftover fish tail from last night. I guess when you’re hungry, anything tastes good. Maybe the cold weather kept it fresh.
Anyone see any of the family today Tues 9/22 ? It’s 8:48 and all I hear is the wind. Getting cooler days getting shorter. I fear we’ll be empty nesters soon!!
I saw one chick about an hour ago. If you scroll back, you will see him or her.
Sandy’s found a Fishtail on the Nest
7:45amEDT Kid drops down to find leftovers stashed by stick perch…yum! Dried fish tail in the morning!!!!!!!
LAST DAY OF SUMMER 2015 ….It’s been exciting and event full in Ospreyland..Hope everyone has a happy, healthy Fall and Winter!!!
Sandy caught another big fish around 4:45 p.m. and goes to her favorite perch to eat an early dinner. George brought seaweed to the nest around 5:45 p.m., but Sandy was still eating and did not like being disturbed. Poor George! He did some twig rearranging and then took off. I was so happy to see that he is still there. I wonder if he will stay up north until Sandy leaves. It’s good to see she is catching her own meals. She flies away with what’s left of the fish around 6:20 p.m.,but then returns to finish it on her perch. Sounds very windy up there tonight. It will be around 59 where I live in Suffolk County on the south shore. I’m sure it will be even cooler up there in the nest and on the north shore. Stay warm, Sandy and George.
About 7:10ish Sandy who was on the nest perch and flew off and I heard 2 or 3 faint chirps coming from the camera perch and the nest moved a little. I wonder who was on that perch? Has anyone seen George today? I am sure like I said that Ronnie has left. Others also are saying the same since we haven’t seen her in a few days. Hopefully that was George on the perch. Hate to think Sandy is alone. I didn’t think George would leave before her.
Sandy just finished eating her fish ( she did leave a little bit for a snack later on ) I had to be out most of the day but my husband said she had at least two fish today and he saw her fly in with one of them…….
scrolled back and saw Sandy caught a nice fish..thought she was going to loose it when she dangled over nest Ha..Saw Dad stop by and checked things out and left shortly..
7PM.. this is Sandy..right?
Was happy to come home to see someone in nest eating a good sized fish. Scrolled back to see kid brought it in about 4:45pmEDT. Sounds like someone on upper perch, so I guess we still have two kids?
At the nest I see at work, on the Verizon tower, the male was leisurely eating this evening when I left. He had his fish on his post and there was no squawking from the nest. This kid was a beggar like Sandy, so it may have left. In past years, this male is usually gone by the 25th or 26th. See if he’s consistent to that time line this year.
Goodness, just saw George and one chick (am not sure which one) together. What a wonderful sight!
Was that Gracie in the nest around 5:40pm EDT??? Sure looks like her! Sandy in nest dining on a fish he/she brought in previously!!!
George made a nice but short visit to the nest with Ronnie already eating her catch at 4:45 or so. I’m sure he’s trying to drop the hint that its time to take off! Nights are getting too cold!
About 4:45 ET Sandy arrives with a nice fish. She seems very proud of herself, and she should be.
Really shocked there is still action at the nest as most birds have headed south already obviously plenty of Bunker still in bays.
One of the kids at the nest with a live fish, just beginning to eat it.
Ronnie on the perch with a lively fish. Hey, they are STILL around!
I should have added the time: 4:52 p.m.
1;50 pm I take that back no chick and no fish until much later.
1;45 pm PDT If I have the time right about 2 1/2 hours ago a strange female landed on the nest with a fish. She looked around for a minute or so and then flew off. Maybe she has started o her migration and saw an empty nest to land on for a few minutes. Shortly after one of the chicks flew onto the nest with it’s own fish.
Paul and all viewers including
Carol IV,Leanne,Karin,Trinity,
Mitch,Patty,Wendy,Gina M
Rich, Beatrice,Eleanor,June,
Cloudymauer,Jan The Archaeologist,Gamma,
It’s soon to be almost over in a matter of days so here’s hoping we all meet again next year if Paul will give us the chance to have ospreys on again. Here in Florida I have ospreys all your long and I have watched many live cams over the years but Osprey zone has been part of my family. Here’s hoping everyone will stay healthy and well and we will meet Gracie and George to have a new family once again .
Just wanted to pass on I have ordered several things from the store and now I just found out that thermos ospreys bottles are all 25% off so I’m going to place my third order just to let you know a lot of things on sale if you want to check it out . I told Paul in the past the shirt is the softest and highest quality so I’m sure that the thermos mug will be just as good Quality. I
Love my coffee mugs. I want to thank Paul for keeping the store open during the winter as for this makes good Christmas gifts I’ve already given my family my order for Christmas. I must say it is sad that the crows took down the feather that was the flag of the nest and it stood up through all weather but take one crow and it’s gone shame on that Crow. Be safe over the winner.
Plastic bag turned into a pseudo Osprey
George brought a Fish
It’s 2:15 p.m. and I just scrolled back four hours and did not see any birdies in the nest. I did it quickly, unless I skipped over something. I did see some black plastic blowing around, ha-ha.
Saw Sandy with big catch,Ronnie & George flew by:)
7:58 am PDT I noticed in scrolling back that one chick caught and brought to the nest a good size fish and while eating it on the nest a piece of fish fell into the nest. I am going to assume someone was eating up on the camera perch or else fish parts are falling from the sky :))) You could also see at one point during the last four hours 2 Osprey flying or drifting in the breeze straight out from the nest while the chick was eating. Chick did not seem concerned.
Thanks, Lyn , for the heads up on Ronnie. Glad to hear she’s still here.
I am sure it was Sandy who came with the fish about 8:40. She always ends up eating on the nest perch, then she left with the remainder. I haven’t seen Ronnie either in the last 2 days. It is very possible he has left. We all pray for his safe journey. I has become unseasonable cool and windy here the last 2 days and I wish I could leave for a winter home in the south also.
To Gamma
‘Thank you for posting that info. I haven’t had time to look at all of the info yet but did read the bottom line on Osprey C2. that is a very sad ending and I prey that both George and Gracie both return in the spring. We know that Ronnie and Sandy will not return for about 2 years and will come back to this area but sadly we will never know where they will build their nests but whenever we see osprey in that area in a few years maybe we will be seeing Sandy and Ronnie.
9;27 am PDT Jo-Ann. I started looking for some info on the whole migration . I found this site and thought the info would be good to pass along. Although noting is carved in stone as to when things happen it is good to have some idea as to what is going on.
I’m starting to think that Ronnnie(?) has flown south. Does anyone agree? I have not seen both chicks together in a couple of days. I did see Sandy(?) fly down from the camera perch around 7:40 a.m. this morning, and then around 8:40 a.m. a chick caught a big fish and ate it in the nest. Eventually it went out on the perch to finish eating it, which makes me think it’s Sandy. Who knows! I did see a big osprey in the nest last night, which was chased off by a chick. For some reason, I did not think it was George. I think George was more handsome than the one I saw. But, with the wind blowing feathers all over the place, it could’ve been him. Sure cold today! Maybe they will all leave on their journey this week. Thanks for leaving the website up all year, Paul and Tommy.
??? when was last time anyone saw Ronnie…
I was afraid to say it yesterday but I wasn’t sure I had seen Ronnie. Once I thought it might be her but I wasn’t sure. I didn’t see her come in last night but she could have gone straight to perch. Now I’m back to work so I’ll rely on you guys to keep me posted.
CarolV – Ronnie is still here with us. She flew in this a.m. with a big fish she caught herself and it was so cool to see Sandy and George flying around in the background, supposedly hunting. We’ll see what the day brings, but rest assured they are still here.
Wonderful news!
I’m so glad I was wrong and that there are still one or more there.
Scrolled back to a couple of hours ago, and Sandy was in the nest, scaring off a VF. Later on, around 6:45, she was on the perch above with another osprey — George?? Anyway, the adult flew down to the nest and Sandy followed. She pecked at the other bird. For some reason, I thought it did not look like George, but then again it’s hard to tell. The bird took off and eventually so did Sandy. Has anyone seen Ronnie today? I wonder if he started his journey. It must be cold up there tonight.
Absolutely no Ronnie sightings today, but who knows? Playing hide and go seek? Was fooled twice today.
I was fooled also – so happy to see at least one right now.
Poor George… he came to the nest to hang out and one of the chicks on the perch chased him off because he came empty handed with no dinner in tow.
6:42pmEDT…George stopped in briefly. Kid-?Sandy- dropped from perch and pecked him for being empty footed. George flew off and kid followed a few minutes later.
Just after 6pmEDT..Kid came in and is settling on stick perch…earlier kid went up to camera perch a bit ago but can’t tell if still there
Ronnie(?) comes down from camera perch, looking for dinner, around 4:50 p.m. No delivery at that time, so eventually he goes back to that perch.
Someone finely home about 15 mins ago…5:50pmEDT ish…?Sandy?
I should spellcheck..finally
Should also learn math…..4:50ish
I meant to say our little chick – not check.